Dally's New Friends

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Sand flew through the air, casting a dark cloud around the bikers. Everyone was screaming and laughing except Dally, who was holding onto Micheal in terror. He had never been on a motorbike before, but was planning on buying one when he had enough money. Suddenly, Micheal began to slow down, so Dally decided to risk looking up. Unfortunately, he saw David speed up a sand ramp, then go flying out of view, closely followed by Paul. He felt the bike shake as Micheal revved the engine, ready to jump himself.
"You ready, Dal?" He laughed, almost drowned out by the others, who were chanting on the other side. Dally nodded and closed his eyes, waiting for it to be over. He felt the bike hurtle up the ramp, sand stinging his face, before it took off. It was almost calming, floating through the air, but it soon ended as the bike landed on the beach below. It tipped to the side, threatening to throw the two off, but Micheal managed to steady it just in time. A roar of cheering erupted around them, calming down Dally, who was still shaking.
"Come on, boys. Let's go home!" David yelled, speeding off into the darkness.

"Where the hell is Dallas?" Darry yelled, annoyed that the others had let him go off on his own.
"I dunno, Darry. He said he was gonna have a smoke then join us at the concert." Soda mumbled, upset that Steve and Two-Bit had abandoned him, saying that they were gonna get breakfast.
"And you just let him? Soda, you know what he's like! He's probably been arrested for harassment or something!"
"I'm sure he's fine. He probably just passed out on a bench somewhere."
"Wait, are you saying he was drunk?"
"Oh my god, not only did you release Dallas Winston into the world, you released drunk Dallas Winston!"

"So, Dally, what do you think of this place?"
Dally looked around, taking in the old hotel. A fallen chandelier was the centrepiece, decorated with paper decorations that he was told Laddie and Dwayne often made together. Scattered around was a few sofas, a radio, a tv and a random wheelchair, which was currently occupied by David.
"Well?" Dally turned around to be faced by a bored looking Marko, who was holding a pigeon.
"It's... nice. So, do you guys live here or something?"
"Marko, come here." David ordered, ignoring Dally's question. In a flurry of feathers, Marko released his bird and strutted to his friend. David whispered something, and Marko disappeared into the shadows.
"Are you thirsty, Dallas?" David smiled, motioning to a chair beside him. Dally sat down, watching David suspiciously. Marko reappeared, holding an ornate bottle of what looked like red wine. It was so ceremonial, so unsettling, that it chilled Dally to the bone. David took the bottle, thanking Marko before shooing him to the side. He took a small drink, flinching slightly, then offered the bottle to Dally, who took it nervously. Looking around, he noticed that Star was missing. Shrugging it off, he took a large gulp of the metallic tasting wine, grimacing as it went down his throat. Surprisingly, all of the boys cheered, with Paul going as far to exclaim:
"You're one of us now, bud! Welcome to the family!"
Dally looked around, unsure of what type of cult this was.
"Have you guys got a phone? My mates will be worried about me."
"Over there. Invite them over if you want."
Dally nodded, not quite sure what was happening as he picked up the phone and dialed their hotel, asking for Johnny Cade.

Johnny and Ponyboy were lying on their beds, Pony reading and Johnny worrying about Dally. The phone began to ring.
"Hey, Pony. You wanna get that?" Johnny questioned, receiving a sigh and a nod in return.
"Hello, this is Ponyboy Curtis."
"Someone's phoned in for Johnny Cade, but wouldn't give his own name."
"Ok, he's right here," Ponyboy looked back at Johnny, "Hey, Johnny, this ones for you."
Sighing, Johnny heaved himself off the bed and over to Pony, taking the phone.
"Hey, it's Johnny. Who is this?"
"Hey Johnny, it's Dally. I need to talk to you right now."
"Dally? Where are you? We've been worried sick!"
Ponyboy looked up, "Dally?" He whispered. Johnny nodded.
"I'll go tell the others." Pony hopped off the bed and ran to the other room.
"Listen, Johnny. I met these guys and they invited me to their place. They're nice enough, but there's something wrong. You guys have to come and see for yourself."
"Dallas, what the he'll do you think you're doing?" A voice other than Johnny's blasted through the phone. Darry had burst into the room after Pony had told him what was happening.
"Oh, hey Darry. I met some guys and they gave me some metallic tasting, very thick red wine. So I might be a little drunk and unsure of why you're yelling at me."
"Metallic? Thick? Are you sure it wasn't blood? My god, Dally, if you've joined a cult..."
"Could be blood. Might be a cult. Wanna come check it out anyway? Its on the edge of a cliff. Theres some stairs and a sign that says 'Beware, Vampires!'"
"How drunk are you?"
Darry put down the phone and sighed.
"C'mon guys. Let's go find Dallas Fucking Winston."

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