The First Hunt

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A sharp pain in his chest woke Johnny suddenly. He sat up, biting back screams as to not wake the others. He looked up, and to his surprise, Dally was on the ceiling.
"You getting those nasty-ass cramps too, eh Johnny?" He shouted, trying to crawl closer but just floating to the side helplessly.
"Yeah Dal," he replied through gritted teeth, "What you doin' up there anyways?"
"I don't know man... I woke up from pains and found out I was up here!"
The floor disappeared from under him.
"Come on kid. It's alright up here."

Soda sat up suddenly, waking Steve.
"Dude, what's wrong?" Steve mumbled sleepily.
"I'm floating, Steve!"
"Yeah, right..." he mumbled, falling back to sleep. Soda was still floating, eventually hitting his head.
"Hey Soda."
He looked to where the voice came from, and was faced with a nervous looking Johnny next to a grumpy Dallas.

"Nice of you to finally join us."
Steve was the last one, quite a while after all the others, to make it to the ceiling.
"Huh, you really were floating."
"Yeah, dipshit."
"I guess this could be a pretty neat party trick..." mumbled Two-Bit, who had managed to (accidentally) get tangled with Ponyboy while trying to 'swim' back to the floor. It hadn't worked, to say the least.
Laughter exploded beneath them. It was the four boys, who had been sniggering for the last five minutes as their new friends struggled.
"You coming down, boys?" David snickered, watching the hopeless struggle.
"What have you done to us? We're stuck!" Darry yelled back. He was the only one worried about their situation.
"You're fine! Just tell your body to land!" Paul shouted, almost falling over with laughter.
"Just try!"
Darry started to concentrate. He kept on telling himself, over and over, to fly down. Slowly, but surely, he began to sink. Before long, his feet hit the floor.
One by one, they all began to float down until there was just one boy left. Johnny.
He was clinging to the cave top, terrified of falling, even after the encouragement.
"Hey, little guy. Come on." David shouted, trying to sound as gentle as possible.
"I'm gonna fall!"
Dally turned to David,
"You can fly, can't you?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Then get your ass up there and help my friend!" He growled, noticing David cock his eyebrow, as if he found it funny.
To everyone's surprise, David rose up slowly, approaching Johnny cautiously before whispering kindly to him.
"Come on, kid."
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Johnny mumbled. David smiled gently.
"You remind me of myself at your age."


Most people wouldn't have thought much of a group of eleven boys, dressed to the nines in leather and biker gear, strolled through the Santa Carla boardwalk. But the Frog brothers weren't most people.
"What's up, bro?" Alan looked up from the comic he was inspecting.
"The vampires have got them."
"Got who?"
"Those boys. Remember? The kid we gave the comic book to?"
"The one who called us stoners?"
"Yeah. Him and his friends."


David pointed at a lone bonfire. There was about twenty teens gathered around it. They were dancing, drinking, and some were even sleeping.
"Those will do."
The blond faced the new boys, but his face had completely changed. His once blue eyes were now bright yellow, with orange edges. His features were a lot sharper, with his brow and cheek bones protruding slightly. Most noticeably, however, were two long fangs.
"You ready, boys?"
The group nodded nervously. The lead vampire smiled.
"Let's go."
The four older vampires flew at the partygoers, laughing as they screamed. It was a horror show. After all of the vampires had taken their fill, Paul waved at the new boys, beckoning them to join. Cautiously, they approached. It wasn't long until Dally gave in and drank. After that, each of them came forward, Johnny being the last but still taking a small drink. Again, the boys cheered him on. Before leaving, Marko threw the corpses onto the dying bonfire.


David led the others onto a bridge.
"Time for the last part of initiation. Marko, why don't you show them what we're gonna do?"
Marko smirked at the others and gave a little wave. He walked to the edge of the bridge, peering into the abyss below. After grinning one last time at the boys, he jumped.
"Jesus Christ, you guys are crazy!" Dally muttered, looking off to the side.
"Yeah, that happens when you realise you can't die!" Paul laughed, before following Marko. Dwayne ran after him, cannonballing off the edge. David smiled at the remaining few.
"Join us."
With that, he jumped. The others stood silently for a moment, shocked and confused. Until Johnny walked to the edge.
"Johnny? What are you doing?" Dally yelled, watching as his friend stepped into the darkness.

Johnny felt an arm wrap around his waist, hauling him back up.
"Grab the bar, kid. People usually just climb down." David's familiar voice boomed above him. Johnny grabbed the bar, smiling thankfully.
"Well done, bud!" Paul yelled, still kicking Marko.
"Thanks Paul."
It wasn't often that Johnny was the first to do something new.
Dally's head appeared over the edge.
"Jesus Christ! We thought you were dead Johnny! Promise me you'll never do that again, you hear me?"
"It's ok Dal, come on. This is kinda fun anyway."
Huffing, Dally climbed down to join them, followed closely by Two-Bit and Ponyboy. The others arrived soon, with Darry climbing down last. The rumble of an approaching train filled the air.
"Perfect timing." David smiled, tightening his grip on the bars. The whole bridge began to shake, almost throwing Steve off.
"Hold on tight, boys!" David screamed above the racket of the quickly advancing train.
"No thanks!" Paul yelled back, letting go and pulling Marko down with him. The two disappeared into the misty depths below. The train barreled across the tracks above them, finally shaking Steve off. He fell, screaming, as David and Dwayne laughed.
"Steve!" Soda yelled, dropping after him. Dwayne decided to follow, bored as the shaking began to disappear.
"Pony, don't you da-" Darry yelled.
"Wait for me, Soda!" Pony let go, ignoring his older brother. Darry followed him down.
"Jesus..." Dally muttered, before dropping down. Two-Bit shrugged, following the others into the abyss. David smiled at the only boy remaining.
"Come on Johnny. Join us."
David let go, falling fast but still managing to look graceful. David's words repeated in Johnny's head:
Join us. Join us. Join us...
He let go, falling into the infinite darkness.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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