A Case on Kissing

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Rosie was now three
"I love you" Sherlock mumbled in his sleep. John creaked open the door and peeked inside. "Sherlock are you ok?" He asked and Sherlock jumped out of bed. "Fine absolutely fine, why do you ask?" Sherlock said. "You were sleep talking" he explained. "What....emm...What was I saying?" Sherlock said almost stumbling over his words as his face went red. John chuckled a bit "nothing too important, you were probably talking about yourself". "Yeah, yeah probably" Sherlock replied scratching the back of his head. John turned around about to leave but stopped. "Sherlock, I've been around you enough to catch on to a few things, I'm not stupid" he said turning back to Sherlock. "I know John" Sherlock said with a smile.

Later that day Sherlock was standing by the wall with new information pinned there. "New case?" John asked as he got up from his chair. "Yes I can't seem to find how this person was in two places at once" he said his eyes darting from paper to paper. "Sherlock could it be twins?" John said already assuming that Sherlock would give some snarky response about how it's never twins. Sherlock was about to do exactly what John expected when he realised something. He rushed to the computer and looked something up. "John you're a genius, I could k.." Sherlock stopped. His face went red again. "Sherlock finish you sentence " John calmly said taking a step towards him. "I could.....kiss" Sherlock got cut off by John suddenly kissing him. He quickly pulled away not wanting to overstay his welcome. "Well that was... good, I should tell the police about the case" Sherlock said and hastily made his way to the door.

Later when Sherlock returned John was there with Rosie. "So you were wrong, sometimes it is twins!" John said happily. "Don't be ridiculous, it's never twins" Sherlock said with a straight face. Before John could even question him Sherlock gave a smirk. "It was triplets" he said and began to chuckle. "Oh you, you absolute.. you know" John said before he glanced back at his daughter. "About earlier" Sherlock said changing the subject "was that, do you actually feel...". "Sherlock of course I feel for you, I have for a while" John said. "I feel the same way, but I assume you knew that" Sherlock replied. Just then they heard a rattle thump on the ground. "How many times do I have to tell you Rosie" Sherlock said and they laughed.

A few week later Sherlock was complaining about a lack of cases. John gave a sigh "have you checked the website?". "Yes but they are all open and shut, nothing interesting" Sherlock said lounging back in the chair. "You could help me take care of Rosie" John said. "Me, take care of Rosie, why?" Sherlock asked. "Well because you live with me and Rosie and don't have a job, that makes you the best candidate for babysitting her" John explained "and because I trust you to keep her safe". "Thanks John, I don't know if you'll believe this but, that actually means a lot to me" Sherlock said in a heartfelt tone. Sherlock sat in his chair and thought for a few seconds before abruptly leaving the room. "I'm going out for a bit, don't wait up" he said as he left. John just shrugged it off as Sherlock being Sherlock and went back to talking care of Rosie.

John didn't see him for the rest of the day and after finally getting Rosie to sleep decided to go to bed. He lay in bed thinking about Sherlock and when He kissed him a few weeks ago. Sherlock hadn't mentioned it since. This didn't surprise John, after all Sherlock was a mystery even to his closest friend. John had still expected him to say something. He eventually managed to fall asleep. When Sherlock finally arrived home he too thought about the kiss. It didn't make sense to him, John was the one who always cared about relationships. Ever since the kiss he couldn't get his mind off John. He knew that people normally acted differently after kissing one another but he had no idea what that differently was. He wondered if John wanted to be in a relationship with him. He wondered if John would ever kiss him again. He fell asleep to the thought of spending another day with Watson.

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