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Sherlock and John had had an eventful few days after that. They decided to stay for one awkward day and John's mother insisted they take care of Rosie for a while. The entire situation was quite weird. John's father barely talked to them and didn't say goodbye when they left. "John are you alright?" Sherlock asked. "I don't know, that's not exactly how I expected things to go" he replied as he looked out of his train window. "You just had that in your pocket the entire time?" Sherlock asked pointing to the almost plain ring with a small diamond embedded into the simple band shape. "I didn't want to miss the perfect opportunity" John said with a smile. "Well you certainly picked an opportunity, not sure if I'd call it perfect" Sherlock replied with a smile. "John, I love you" he added. "Sherlock, do you think this is moving too fast?" John asked. "Yes, but in all the best ways" Sherlock responded. John gave him a look of confusion but quickly replaced it with a smile. Sherlock moved closer to John on the seat and placed his arm behind his neck, resting his hand on John's shoulder.

When they arrived home to their flat Sherlock stopped at the door. Among the mail was another card. He picked it all up and they went up to the living room. Just like that Sherlock was back to his normal detective self. Sherlock placed the pile down then picked up the lone card. This one was different. Written on the back in Times New Roman was "Don't worry for now, the fun won't start yet, It won't just be cards at your home, I have a horse for you Sherlock, watch out". "Well What is it?" John asked as he looked to him. They both stood there for a moment before John spoke. "We should probably start telling people about us" he said. "You're right"Sherlock said still looking at the card. "Well, I'll go do that" John said and headed towards the door. Sherlock grabbed his arm and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Goodbye John" He said before sitting down in his chair and continuing to stare at the card.

John had hoped Sherlock would come but didn't mind because Sherlock loved solving things and would probably hate all the congratulations he got anyway. His first stop was Ms Hudson. He wasn't expecting Ms Hudson to be surprised, after all she had said they were in a relationship before which John had denied. He knocked on the door of her flat and waited. "John, What is it? come in" she said in that usually welcoming voice. John walked in to her kitchen and sat at her small table. Ms Hudson automatically made him some tea. "Thank you Ms Hudson, this might be a bit abrupt but, me and Sherlock are getting married" he said. Ms Hudson would have surely drop the tea if she hadn't already placed it down. "Sherlock, getting married, I'm still dreaming aren't I?" She exclaimed. "Oh, Congratulations John!".

Sherlock sat back in his flat on his chair. He didn't know what to think. Ever since he and John had started being in a relationship he hadn't felt the same. He still solved cases by the bucket but now that he knew how much he cared for John he tried to be more considerate of his feelings. John had made him a kinder person. He could hear John and Ms Hudson downstairs and gave a smirk after hearing her reaction. He heard John leave and stood up. He was about to pick up his violin when he heard a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it. "Ms Hudson?" He asked as she hugged him.

"Oh Sherlock, you softy, I knew you had a heart in there somewhere underneath that love of solving murders" she exclaimed. Sherlock wouldn't admit it but he loved this, telling others about him and John. "Thank you, I think" he said slightly puzzled. "Well I better leave you to your work" she said looking at the ever messy room with a hint of disgust. As Ms Hudson left he heard the door downstairs close after John. He quickly rushed down the stairs grabbing his coat and scarf and burst out the door after him. "John wait, I want us to tell people together" he said and John stopped. "Sherlock? Thank you" he said with a smile and continued to walk after grabbing his hand. "So who to now?" He asked. "Greg should be next, He is my best friend after all" Sherlock replied. "Hey, I thought I was your best friend" John said and nudged Sherlock playfully. "You can't be my fiance and my best friend at the same time" Sherlock said with a smug grin.

"Don't give me that smug look, well I guess I can pass the reigns back to Greg" John said jokingly and looked back to Sherlock. They walked the entire way to see their friends at Scotland Yard, the entire time just enjoying each other's company. Sherlock wasn't the type to let his mind run free but every now and then when he was with John, he would let go and just be in the moment. He was glad that John helped him find himself even if he didn't know it. Over the last few years John and Sherlock had gone through so much together and now he  couldn't imagine if they hadn't met that faithful day. He knew that he would always be there for his John and John would be there for him, no matter what.

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