Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Date - December 5, 1943

Location - Chancellors Office, Berlin, Vale

Time - 1500

POV - Hans Friedrick, Chancellor of Vale

I looked at the occupant of the UFO. He claims to be James Ironwood, a general in the Atleain Military. "Plase, sit down Mr. Ironwood, we have a lot to discuss." He did as he was asked and sat down in the chair in front of me. "Now Mr. Ironwood you claim to be a general in the Atleain Military, is that correct?" I asked "I am, yes" he replied. "Even though Atlas never had a general by that name?" Ironwood stud up in anger "ARE YOU STUPID?" "Is that a threat, Mr. Ironwood?" I asked back "Cause if it is then I have no choice but to-" Ironwood cut me off. "You can't send me to prison! Who will protect you from Grimm?" Grimm? "Whats a Grimm?" I asked simply. "Whats...A...Grimm? WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT A GRIMM IS? HOW ARE YOU A LEADER OF VALE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A GRIMM IS!?!" I had enough of this mans bullshit. "GUARDS! send him to the Auschwitz Mental Word, he's curly insane." Ironwood started to ramble on "THE GRIMM ARE GONNA GET YOU!" and "YOU KINGDOM IS DOOMED!" while my Guards pulled him away. This is gonna be a long day.

Date - December 5, 1943

Location - USS Fletcher (DD-445), Wurzburg bay, Vale

Time - 1530 Hours

POV - None

The USS Fletcher was dead in the water as the crew and captain tried to make any contact with the Kriegsmarine. A crew member ran into the bridge saying that he sopped 2 skiffs heading there way. On those skiffs where 4 members of The White Fang. The leader of the group looked on at the ship. "Attack when you're in range," he said not think that this would be a big deal, boy were they wrong. One of Fang fired an RPG at the ship. It hit one of the turrets. AA gunfire erupted from the ship. Lims and bodyparts tur from the fang as they tried to retreat but they where all killed and left to be feasted on by the Seagal's.

This event started what was known as the Human-Faunus War.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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