punching bag

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I finally arrived back at school,and breathed in a breath of fresh air
I...kinda love school
Its fun for me I guess,and im also away from my troubles for awhile
And I get to see my frein-

Right then my enthusiasm and train of thought crashed and burned when I saw foxy
She was walking with her head low,like yesterday,but there was something off
Without missing a beat I ran over
"Yo foxy!" I shouted to her as I ran,she was caught off guard by this
She stopped and looked up at me
Right then my heart sank and my run slowed to a slight jog
My horrified expression clear on my face
There was bruises around her eyes and mouth,her left cheek especially bad
As my baffled mind tried to figure it out she turned and ran to class
And before I could react,she was gone with the crowd

I suddenly felt the flames of rage build up in me

The rest of that day turned into a blur as I couldn't stop think about it,until everything boiled over when we sat down in the same class


I sat down next to her again,but this time I spoke up
"What happened" I asked her,ignoring the teachers presence
She didn't say anything,she didn't even look at me
"Foxy" I said and pulled the hoodie back,I could finally see her face clearly
It was worse than I first thought
Cuts around her lips and nose(snout?I cant remember what a Fox's nose is called) her neck too had seen better days
"Who did this" I asked,trying to keep the anger from slipping into my voice
She still wouldn't say anything
"Foxy please..tell me who did this" I asked again
She began to cry making my anger ten fold

(Sort part,ill try harder next time just have a lot of work to do)

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