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"So how did it go?"
I looked at my brother a little confused
"With that fox,how did it go?"
I was a little surprised that he seemed generally interested,that he actually wanted to see if everything went well,know what I'm doing...
"U-um...i-it went fine"
"Fine?what did you do for it to be just fine?" He asked
"I-i didn't do anything,its just....hard to explain,but why are you even asking?"
He shrugged
I sighed
"I'm....going to take a nap" I said and went to my room and locked the door,with another sigh I collapsed onto my bed,not really sure what to feel right now

Fuck I cant stop thinking about him
And what he said...


We made it back to his place as the rain got worse and as soon as we entered I almost had a heart attack when a very tall guy was waiting there,staring right at me
"I-im back,this is (y/n) hes my friend" sh-he said
The tall fella,who had a cheese wedge like face looked at me with his blue eyes
"So your her friend?"
I felt he was staring into my soul as he glared at me
"Come on,leave him be" foxy giggled and he did too
"Heh,sorry I'm just messing with you,I'm Sam,foxy's guardian" he said and smiled at me
"N-nice to meet you" I replied
"Foxy,why dont you go change,you dont want to get sick" he said
He nodded and looked back at me
"Ill be right back,try not to terrify my only friend" she said to Sam
He laughed a bit
"Ill try"
Foxy went upstairs to his room,as soon as the door closed Sam looked back at me,but something about his stare made me shiver
"Listen,I don't know you,and I don't trust you,foxy has been though enough shit as is,so if you hurt her in anyway I will throw you into a woodchipper,understood?" He said
I nodded quickly
"Good...your her only friend in years so you better take care of her" he said
"I-i will"
He sighed
"Has she told you yet?" He asked
I nodded a bit
"Ya he did..."
"And you don't mind that?"
I shook my head
"At first but now..."
He nodded and walked to the kitchen
"Well anyways take a seat,ill get you a towel and some tea" he said
"O-oh okay,thank you"

After a bit of sipping tea with the large cheese wedge,foxy finally came back and I almost chocked on my tea

He had changed into oversized T-shirt and very short pants,with of course a new pair of stripped socks,theses ones where blue and green
He smiled at my reaction
"A-all my stuff is still getting washed,I hope you don't mind me using one of your shirts Sam"
He smiled
"Not at all,you look very cute" he said
Foxy blushed a bit
"Thanks Sam"

He sat down next to me and Sam gave her a cup of coffee that he slowly sipped
"Once the rain has died down a bit,I can give you a lift home (y/n)" Sam said
I nodded
"That would be great"
He nodded,and went to take our cups to the kitchen
As soon as he was gone foxy hugged me making me blush but I hugged back
"Thank you...." he whispered
I didn't reply,not sure how to really
"...your my only friend....so.....lets do this again,just hang out...please..." he said
"...we can..." I reply
He smiled a bit and hugged me tighter


I'm his only friend,I'm the only one who knows
I sighed and try to get some rest
Tomorrow no school...so....

(You ever have those days where you scream for no reason then cry a bit than are just like "I'm going to write now"?)

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