Can't focus

10 1 3

I sat up in my bed,unable to sleep,unable to think straight
I keep thinking of him
I keep thinking of all of him
Fuck my life,I've fallen for a guy
What will my bother think?what would he do?
And my friends at the school?
What about the people around me?the community?
I've never been one to care what others think....but this.....
My whole life raised to see men who like other men as........
God damb it,fuck this,fuck them,fuck everyone!
I don't care!
I don't care what they will think,how they will react!
I won't be told who or what I should like...

Sigh...I need to clear my head

I got up and checked the time,3am...
Shit time to take a walk,but what ever
I made my way to the front door with my phone and keys
Brother won't be awake till like 9,should be okay

It didn't take me long to walk to the park,empty at this time,I sat down on one of the swings and turned on my phone

"....wonder if he's awake.."
With another sigh I realise I haven't got his phone number yet
Well, thats until i opened my contacts to see it
"what the... When did..?" i felt genuinely confused, but relieved at the same time

"hay foxy you awake?" i type, and wait... And wait... Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe hes asleep-
I almost jumped when my phone buzzed with a notification, which i immediately checked
"i am now dummy, what are you doing up at 3??" he typed back
I give a slight laugh, realising how weird this is, but i type back
"couldn't sleep, wanna hang out at the park?" i questioned, not a moment went by before i got a message

"I'm already here" he typed, making me very confused, i look up and around and saw him waving at me
I felt my heart skip a beat seeing that cute fox..
He was wearing a frog hoodie and shorts with, once again, more stripped socks.
"i didn't expect you to get here so quickly" i say as he walked over and sat down next to me
"you know.. You dont have to say He.. I really prefer she" she said softly, making me a little confused but i give a slight nod in understanding
"sorry.. Just... Not use to this you know?" which he responded with his own nod, leaning on my shoulder.

We where quiet, im not sure for how long.. Just listening to the wind moving through the leaves, the passing cars on the hiway and eachothers soft breathing... I dont understand it all but.. I felt calm, even happy..

"well if it isn't the faggot and his bitch" a voice suddenly jolted both me and foxy
There.. Standing beneath the streetlight was those three... I felt my heart racing with panic when i realized it was freddy, bonnie and chica...
I somehow mustered enough confidence to speak while foxy hid behind me
"what do you want freddy..?" i asked, watching them closely as they got closer... I felt my heart sink, eyes widened... I could feel foxy go tense aswell when we both saw it..

Freddy had a switchblade.. Bonnie a bat and chica a tazer... They weren't here to talk

Without even thinking i grabbed a nearby rock before shouting to foxy
"fucking run!!" before i threw it as hard as i could, nailing freddy in the head as the other two recoil in surprise, while foxy broke into a sprint!

But i didn't get far, chica was always so quick.. And she got to me, drilling the tazer into my neck making me drop to the ground, i tried shoving her off but i didn't get to before i felt the cold metal bat connect to my skull... Sending me tumbling across the cold grass.. My vision blurry as i heard freddys voice
"b-bonnie, go get that slut! I'll take care of this basterd" he spat, my panic only growing, chica keeping me pinned, digging that fucking tazer into me whenever i moved as freddy approached me, blood running down his pissed face...

I kept trying, with all my strength to try run, try protect foxy from bonnie but i couldn't... I couldn't...
Freddy ordered chica to get off me
I pushed myself up, i need to-!

Thats when i felt freddys arm around my back, as if hugging me...
"you thought you could just get away with that, and to think we where friends at a point, tch" he says softly into my ear, as my shirt started to get damp with blood as he twisted the blade in my gut
Bearly a whimper escaped my lips, the pain too great...
Freddy let me go, my whole body feeling like it was giving up, tears running down my face... Me... Falling to the ground unable to move...

My eyes begin to blur.. As freddy wipes my blood off his blade onto me... He spat on me...
"fucking pathetic, i was gonna let you go, rough you up a bit but you just had to fight back" he says, shaking his head
"doesn't matter, no one will remember you, and foxy, well foxy will be in a ditch by tomorrow" he smirks

I felt my world slowly growing dark.. My life slipping... Foxy.. I... I'm so-

Tires scretching, bright lights, my brothers voice...the cock of a gun
For a moment i felt his arms around me.. Then the warmth of the old rust buckets seats... His voice shouting my name... I can bearly keep my eyes open...

"Can't this fucking piece of shit go any faster!?"
My brothers voice boomed in the small car, his hands pressed against me... M-my big brother... S... Saved me...

"I-im trying!but it won't go any faster!" his girlfriend shouted to him... She wasn't the nicest... But.. Shes.. Here...?

"Oh gods he's going to bleed out" brother said looking back at me, hes crying.... Dont cry... Big brother...
""i try say, as he told me to shut up...
" d-dont talk! Keep your strength y/n! F-foxys okay i-i told his guardian, j-just shut up and stay alive you prick!! "he shouts, his voice full of fear and sadness...

"How much further!?"
"I-i don't know!"
"f-fuck the cops i wont let my brother die!!!"

So much shouting and screaming...
My head hurts from all of eyes feeling so heavy...
Its all so loud...why cant it be quiet...all...all I want to do is rest....
"Stay with me!stay with me (y/n)!!!!"

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