Monday: before and after chapel

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It was bound to be another boring day, I could feel it in my bones. I rolled over to see that it was 6:10 A.M.  Although chapel didn't start until 9:20, I still had to get up early and go to my grandparents house. My mom worked in the next town over, and my dad wasn't around anymore, so I had to walk to school on Mondays. 

It was about 8:30, so I grabbed my stuff, put in my ear buds, and left for school. It was a clear, cold day, like most winter days in Vermont. The town plows do a terrible job of keeping the streets and sidewalks clear, so it was rough walking conditions. There were giant puddles of ice at the end of every driveway, and I slipped back in slush with every step I took. My best friend wasn't leaving for another hour so I was walking alone, nothing new. I could tell today would be just one of those days.

I got to school, dropped off my bag, and went to meet my friends before chapel. I wasn't feeling the best. Like usual, I was in a state of hating everybody even though no one did anything to me. At least I didn't feel like crying for once.

I walk in the door to chapel and spot my friend Katie. "yo yo" I call. Its a thing we do whenever we see each other. She pulls back her hood and puts her phone away. "Yo" she says as I approach. From there we have our usual conversation which consists of memes and vine references. 

Slowly the students start to trickle in and chapel begins promptly. 


Our headmaster drones on and on about "loving your best friends" and "always being there for each other." He was always talking about how community was what the school was all about, and how what happens here changes the world. Eventually he dismissed us and everyone was of to A block. I got to A block, got changed, and went into the dance studio to start warming up. I sat on the floor, and bent over my legs, stretching my lower back. When I came back up, there she was; and she was looking at me. 

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