The rest of my life (part 1)

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I woke up on Tuesday, excited to go to school just to see her. It was still dreary outside, nothing much to look at. I threw on some clothes, grabbed some breakfast, and sat down to watch the news with my mom. School started at the normal time today, so I wouldn't have to walk that far to school. Plus I got to walk with my best friend so that was pretty cool too. 

This morning is no different than every other morning: go to the cafe with Hannah, drop my stuff off, possibly meet up with Sparta somewhere along the way, and go to chapel. I don't exactly remember what this mornings chapel talk was, I never really pay attention anyways. I'm pretty sure the assistant headmaster was giving a speech this morning, she talks a lot longer than the actual headmaster. It can get boring, a lot of people complain about her. 

Finally she stopped talking and dismissed everyone, and we were on our way to A block. The assistant headmaster always does this thing where she dismisses the classes one after the other, the only people getting a little break in between are the faculty and the seniors, probably because of senior priority most likely.

I tried to push my way through the crowd, but that only earned me dirty looks from sophomores and dorm students who think they have the right of way. I finally make my way out and push my way to the cross walk, where I meet up with my other friend Hannah. "You're so slow" she complains playfully, and begins to talk about her friends and how they're all dumb asses.

I make it to Morse, the building that my A block class is in, quickly through on my change of clothes and run to the dance studio. As usual, I was the first one in the studio. I began my stretching as my fellow students slowly trickled in. eventually Jade and Taylor came in as well, but there was no Samantha. "That's odd" I thought. "maybe she stayed home today, or is doing something else," but eventually I realized that she wasn't going to come, and that she probably went home. I would never see her again, and that made me sad. 

I went home that night and spilled my guts to my best friend. I told her about how I thought I liked her and that I wanted to get to know her, but she wasn't in class. I found Samantha's cousin on Facebook and sent her a friend request, and shortly after, I made a post about how she seemed like a really nice person and that I wish I could get to know her. It was my last resort, but I knew she would never see it, and that it was pointless to try. 

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