A block

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She said her name was Samantha, and that she was visiting her cousins. "I left school to come visit you. I didn't want to come back to school," I remember hearing her say jokingly. Our dance teacher, Ms. Hraibi, threw us right into our warm ups after a somewhat quick introduction. Every time I looked in the mirror, I thought I saw Samantha looking at me, and every time, I found it hard to look away. She reminded me of one of my past failed love attempts. 

His name was Kaci, and I had the biggest crush on him. We became very close very quickly. I opened my heart to him, and told him my most personal stories, stories that I only tell people that I trust. He was still dating a past girlfriend, whom he broke up with shortly after me spilling my guts to him. I would flirt, and he would flirt back, and I thought for sure I had a chance. It was false hope. One day, after some heavy flirting and deep conversations, he texted me and told me he had gotten into another relationship. We lost our everything quickly after that, and haven't been the same since.

Snap back to reality, Ms. Hraibi was telling us to "take it from the corner." This meant we were going to be doing one of four things; Triplets, triplets with a turn, Jettes, or something new she had just come up with. Now was my chance to show off. I quickly got told off for looking down, but when she crossed the floor, Ms. Hraibi was all over her. "good job Samantha!" She screamed. Everyone was mediocre, but what else was new, I barely did anything right in that class anyways. 

"alright!" Ms. Hraibi belts. "I want you to take it from the corner again but this time go into first position, then second, then twirl and continue moving. Remember we're gliding, we're traveling through space." We had just returned from "Mr. Rowe's" side of the dance studio, and everyone was looking around, trying to figure out how to do this. I remember looking to Jade and Taylor and Samantha, and saying "oof." 

Eventually, everyone figured out how to do what she was asking, and with the spare two minutes if class, we worked on our projects, got changed, and class was over before it even started.

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