Part 15

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Guru was driving his car… With a smile in his face…

His memories went back to the day when he saw Aarti for the first time…

Aaru in her home thinking about Guru and smiling…

Fb showing Guru coming to Ishu’s house but always seeing opposite house… (Guru POV)

Knowing this Aaru ll be hiding n seeing Guru’s reaction (Aaru’s POV)

The day when Aaru got down from Raman’s car… Ani helping her to walk.. Guru opened her house n was seeing her (Guru POV)

Aaru also noticing his gaze and not reacting but smiling inwards…(Aaru’s POV)

Fb ends with both of their smiling faces…

Ishita in the terrace talking with Mihika and asking about her married life…

Mihu : Ishu Dhi… U r my best frnd… I m ur junior but u r treating me as ur bestie and helped me.. I m very grateful to u n Raman…

Ishu : Mihu… U be cool… How is Harish??
Mihu : He is fine Ishu..
Ishu : Arre sometimes u r calling me as Dhi… Sometimes Ishu..
Mihu : Sometimes u r my frnd. Sometimes u r my sissy…

Ishu : Haha… Then Mihu.. Harish is taking care of you right ..
Mihu : Of course Ishu. He is a good person..
Ishu : I got scared Mihu when u expressed ur love to him…

Mihu loved Harish… Harish was studying in Engg college of tat university…
Final yr… Mihu.. Second year… During his farewell Mihu proposed him…

Harish didn’t respond… Neither rejected nor accepted…

Then some days later.. Mihu approached Harish to respond…

Harish : See.. I have more commitments.. I have to stand in my own leg n have to show my relatives that I have grown up without their brought up or help..

Mihu was watching him with fear in her eyes…

Harish : I can’t love… U have to wait for some more years…
Mihu : No… My dad is planning to get me married next yr…
Harish : Ur studies??
Mihu : That’s not a matter for them…
Harish thought for a while…

Harish : I ll come and talk with your dad..
Mihu : No use…
Harish tried talking to Mihu’s dad but Mihu didn’t allow..

Mihu : He won’t accept this Harish..
Harish : Then forget me… I have more works other than this…

Mihu felt heart broken..

She was not reacting good… Ishita felt bad seeing her state and spoke to Harish..

Harish : Ishita.. What else I can do??
Ishu : What’s ur wish towards her??
Harish : I have works Ishita.. I can’t love someone at this pt.
Ishu : But she can’t wait it seems.. I don’t know abt her family.. She said that her dad s talking abt her marriage now…

Harish : Ya… Even she is not allowing me to talk with her dad to wait for some years..
Ishu : Then what’s the solution for this??

Harish : Ask ur frnd to marry me now…
Ishu : What???
Harish : No other go… Else she should marry tat someone…

Fb ends…

Ishu : Harish ll love u one day Mihu… Wait for tat…
Mihu : Sure Dhi…

Ishu ended the call…

Guru reached Akash Ganga apartments… He got down with bouquet in his hands…

Ishu standing in Terrace saw Guru coming with flowers…

Ishu : Mmmm.. So he gonna propose Aaru today… Great…!!!

“Even his friend will propose you..”

She heard Sanjay’s voice from behind…

Ishu : What???
Sanjay : Raman will propose you today…
Ishu : How do you know that??
Sanjay : You ll see it… Until then don’t believe me… And sure.. He is not loving you truly… Just to provoke u against me… He is using you…

Ishu : Sanjay… U have misunderstood Raman…

Sanjay : I have heard him talking with his bestie Surya while dropping them now…


Raman and Surya got down from Sanjay’s car… Sanjay’s car went…

Surya : Raman… Don’t hide… U love Ishita right…
Raman : No Surya…
Surya : Don’t lie u stupid ..

Sanjay came back and heard their talk…

Raman : Sanjay won’t accept this Surya.
Surya : U gonna marry Ishita not Sanjay..
Raman : But still…

Surya : You go and tell Ishu today…
Raman was confused…
Surya : Don’t waste time Raman.. Go and tell her today..
Raman : OK I ll tell her today.. Evng…
Sanjay heard this…

Fb ends…

Sanjay : He ll come here… He ll propose u… Only if I am here… If I am not here… Then he won’t propose you… Is this enough for you to prove that he is just provoking you against me..

Think.. U also fought with me for him many times…

Wait till evng…

He went down… Ishu was thinking.

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