Mercer Frey x Reader

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hahhh I paused Skryim for a sec...and that happened. PERFECT

"Mercer? This is the one I was talking about... our new recruit." Brynjolf said to Mercer. 

"This better not be another waste of the Guild's resources, Brynjolf." Mercer replied. He looked at my character. I tapped on the controller. "Before we continue, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you play by the rules, you walk away rich. You break the rules and you lose your share. No debates, no discussions... you do what we say, when we say. Do I make myself clear?"He added. I felt nervous suddenly. 

"R-Rules? We're thieves. What's the point of rules?" I clicked the dialogue. Mercer frowned. 

"I'll let that comment go because you're new here. Ask things out of turn again, and we have a problem. Now, are we clear on all of this?"

"Yes, I understand." I finally said. Mercer smiled a little. I don't remember him smiling at me ...what the...probably one of Bethesda's many glitches. Heh. I walked my character a little closer to Mercer. Mercer backed up.

"Wait a moment, you're not talking about Goldenglow, are you? Even our little Vex couldn't get in." Brynjolf interrupted. I smirked. 

"Yeah, but that's little Vex. Little Y/n can do anything better than her.~" I said out loud. I glanced away from the tv and looked back at it. Mercer was staring RIGHT AT ME.

"Uhhh..." I said. Mercer smirked, then looked back at Brynjolf. 

"You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let him/her prove it. Goldenglow Estate is critically important to one of our largest clients. However, the owner has suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands and shut us out. He needs to be taught a lesson. Brynjolf will provide you with the details." Mercer said. 

"Mercer, aren't you forgetting something?" Brynjolf asked, glancing at my character.

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Since Brynjolf assures me you'll be nothing but a benefit to us, then you're in. Welcome to the Thieves Guild." Mercer replied quite boredly. I grinned.

"Thanks for letting me in." I said to the Mercer, well, more the tv, so I thought.

"Yeah, no problem. Now, don't screw up. Get us lots of gold, in which I believe you'll do fine." Mercer said. I jumped at his response.

"W-What?! I ...what?" I was shocked. Mercer chuckled.

"Yes, I can see you player." Mercer said. My eyes widened.

"You're name is Y/n L/n. You play Skyrim for mostly...h/l (how long) hours/minutes. You had a game crush on that idiot Brynjolf for quite a while. But, I can tell that you like me. The way you moved your character close to me." Mercer smirked. 

"" I didn't know what to say.

"Now, Y/n, would you like to get a closer look at your favorite character?" Mercer asked. He held out his hand towards my character, so it looked like he was holding his hand out to me.

"S-..sure..." I placed my hand on the tv screen and suddenly was grabbed and pulled in.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF-" Mercer covered my mouth.

"Shh... I don't want Brynjolf to get too suspicious of you." He whispered. He was super close to me. I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth.

"Come with me-" He saw me staring at my character, frozen in place. I had a horrified look on my face.

"Come with me." He said sternly. I nodded and was dragged into a room full of chests. 

"Welcome to the-"

"The training room. Also known as the place where lots of good stuff are locked up." I said. He smiled.

"Why am I showing you around if you already know where everything is and what everything is?" He asked. I giggled. I got closer to him and he blushed a little. I yawned. Mercer frowned.

"I guess I never really did think about how tired you'd be when pulled into a video game..." Mercer muttered. I gasped when Mercer picked me up bridal style and walked me to a bed. He placed me down gently and covered me with a blanket. 

"W-wait, Mercer! When I wake up, will I be home or still here?" I asked. Mercer sighed.

"I'm sure you're going to wake up in your bed, in your house." He said.

"In that case,..." I got off the bed and pecked his lips. His eyes widened.

"Good night, Mercer." I said and laid down. Mercer stroked my hair and smiled.

"Night, Y/n."


I woke up saw that I was still in the Ragged Flagon Cistern. I grinned and saw Mercer at his desk. I ran to him and tackled him, he fell down.

"You're still here?!" He said happily. He hugged me back, and kissed my cheek.

"Uhhh...M-Mercer...? Who's that?" Rune asked. I got off Mercer and smiled.

"Hey, Rune!" I said. "Oh,'t know me. Well, kind of. I'm that girl over there. except...well... I'm the creator of her and um..." Rune kind of got what I was saying.

"Nice to officially meet you~" Rune said happily. Mercer didn't like the tone Rune was using.

Mercer wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. As if he was claiming me as his. I blushed.

"Rune. Go. Away." He growled. Rune frowned.

"But Merc-"

"GO." He growled. Rune nodded and left.

"Mercer....? Are you jealous?" Mercer's grip on my waist tightened ever so slightly. I gasped.

"You're jealous! Mercer Frey is jealous!!! like me?!" Mercer suddenly kissed me on the lips. I kissed back happily.

"Of course I like you, idiot. That's the only reason why I pulled you here."

I sat up and realized I was kissing my favorite stuffed animal. I pulled away from the awkward kiss and looked around. I was in my house. 

"Must've been a strange dream!"I laughed. I got on Skyrim and saw Mercer. I swear I saw him wink at me.

"Okay, maybe it wasn't." I grinned.

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