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This isn't a chapter, buuuuuut.....

I drew my Skyrim characters~!!

Dark elf - Elvina Faun
>tough, brave, flirty, loves to cause trouble
>uses a steel great sword
>married Revyn, doesn't like him as much as she thought she would... 😅 whoops~

Kahjiit - Ashvi
> shy, kind, doesn't talk much
>uses Wuuthrad
>married Farkas ((I FARMED THESE TWINS MYSELF and accidentally killed one in front of my son))

Nord - Yüki
> shy, happy, excitable, cute, never sad
>uses an enchanted glass sword
>married Vilkas, maaaaaaay have killed him....... whoopsieeeeesssss,

High Elf - Onovi
>moody, rude, VERY Ancano like
>uses an ebony battle axe
>single with kids

High Elf - Onovi>moody, rude, VERY Ancano like>uses an ebony battle axe >single with kids

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