~Scenario~ Teldryn Sero (+ A/n)

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Hey all, I may only write a scenario today, I'm taking the day off due to 4th of July. :)

Have fun, be safe, don't die. Also it's freaking hot here in Michigan, and I was outside getting my bike ready for riding, along with my dad's. I'm sweating, and I don't like the heat.


Fourth of Sun's Height

I watched the blazing colors light up the sky from my window. I wish I could go out, but it was cold. I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and pulled me down on his chest. 

"They're beautiful, Teldryn." I said. Teldryn gently kissed my neck and smiled. I turned around and pecked his lips.

"They sure are." He replied, his voice low and smexy like normal.


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