1: Discovery

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"Primus everyone's stockpiling off world now, this is useless!" the tallest in the group complained tossing the energon scanner. He was red with black accents and orange optics, on his back were holstered two very large guns. 

"TJ please you've been complaining every five minutes!" the next tallest in company answered in turn. He had deep but glittery brown plating.

"But have we found anything, Split Spark?" TJ asked in slight taunting fashion.

"We've been walking for fifteen minutes! of course we haven't!" he snapped. 

While their voices had been raising the shortest member of the trio had been watching the energon scanner, while they had been getting louder so had scanner as she had been maneuvering towards the source. 

"HEY! Slag heads! Get over here, we've got something big!" she yelled back at them. This stopped the bickering as they came over to see the scanner ringing like a fire alarm. 

"This energon deposit has to be huge!" TJ prompted.

"Obviously," she felt no need to indulge TJ's stupidity. "This is Enigma to base, send some miners out here, and maybe a scientist or two, we've got something big," she commanded.

They had assembled a small army to work on this project. The scientists were stumped, this wasn't just an energon deposit, they knew that much. They thought the strange readings might have something to do with the large amounts of cooled lava that basically made up the entire hill and valley they were standing on for up to a mile down. 

The miners got closer and closer to the source until one of the drills hit something it couldn't cut through. The scientists collected around the white color that had been unearthed, "The readings are from this, whatever it is," one of them confirmed, and the miners resumed their work.

Once the readings where sent back to base a more specialized scientist was dispatched, Shockwave, one of the top scientists in the decepticon ranks. He had suspicions and was very excited to test his theory. 

He brought a sub terra imaging device, a machine that would be able to use sonic imaging to peer below the stone so that they would not need to wait for the excavation to finish in order to see what they were excavating. The miners helped set up the machine then Shockwave activated it and the screen lit up as a blurry night vision green picture started to form. Shockwave focused the readings, and the more the image cleared the more intrigued he became.

"Megatron, we've found something of interest," the other cons were frozen, as they watched the screen. 

"It can't be," TJ said, what he was watching shouldn't be real. 

"Chill out T, it's not like it's alive, it's probably just really well preserved," Split Spark answered, he glanced toward Enigma for confirmation but she was focused on the screen. 

"Shockwave, do you see this?" she asked pointing to a mark on the screen. It was a sphere with a few lines coming off it, but with every sonic pulse the machine sent out the sphere changed. Enlarging and contracting.

"Is that?...." she asked glancing back toward Shockwave, he looked closer at the screen watching it. They all went silent.

"It is," he agreed with her.

"What is it?" TJ asked trying to keep the fear from his voice. 

Shockwave looked towards him, taking his optic off the screen, "A spark beat." 

To Tame a Predacon [movie verse]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang