4: Talk it Out

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When she finally woke back up she found herself in much more spacious conditions. It wasn't much larger than her room before the box, but after the box it was a welcome change. She yawned stretched and stood up, there was the normal light from above and the room was dull grey metal walls. 

She walked around the perimeter a few times looking through the familiar port hole windows. Then she settled at a wall and started scratching. Eventually she got board of that and started to walk the perimeter again. There was nothing to keep her attention in this room, and there wasn't enough room to spread her wings. Walking in circles got old, but she didn't like to spend all day sitting, so round and round and round she goes when would she stop, she didn't even know.

"You want us to what?" TJ asked looking at Shockwave as he and the other two followed him.

"You three will be going into the predacon's enclosure in an attempt to communicate with her," he explained. He stopped in front of the reinforced door typing something on the number pad, "Transform out here," he ordered. Enigma listened immediately assuming beast mode, Split and TJ followed suit.

The door opened and she looked up, the predacons she had seen before entered through it. She was laying with her side to the wall but they went and settled in the middle of the room, stupid mistake. She stood quickly and started to circle, they didn't choose a corner or even just one wall, she could attack them from any side if she chose to. 

TJ was either the same size or very close so he hoped he didn't have much to worry about with her. She marked all of their scents mentally in case she recognized them later. As she circled she growled low and threatening, she was not intimidated even though it was one on three. Split was wondering if they would actually be able to understand her, Enigma stood her ground, she was not nervous or if she was she wasn't going to show it. 

"Who are you!?" the predacon demanded, "What are you!?"  

"We're predacons like you," TJ answered.

This attracted the predacon's attention she turned and snarled towards him getting closer until there where inches between them. "You are not like me, you are like them, bipeds, you walk on your hind legs like them," she growled. 

"You mean we have a bot mode?" Enigma asked.

"If that is what you call it," she responded. "You are half breeds, false predacons," she continued on, "Why did they put you in here?" 

"They wanted us to talk to you," Split answered. 

"They thought you were just a beast," TJ said almost absentmindedly. She growled, "But we don't think that," he said in a higher tone his nerves betraying him. 

She huffed continuing her circling pattern, "I want to know where I am," she said in a low tone as if she were about to threaten them. 

"You're on earth, in a cybertronian vessel," Enigma answered. 

"Cybertronian vessel?" the predacon responded, confused. 

"You are on another planet, populated by organic life forms. Currently you are in a thing we use to move between planets," Split Spark answered, she nodded taking it in, that she understood. They had so many words that meant nothing to her. "What are we supposed to call you?" Split asked stepping away from the other two, causing her to focus on him.

"Alpha," at least that's what it sounded like to them. To any bot or con it would sound like a unique combination of a snarl and rumble. 

"Surly you're not inferring you're our alpha," Enigma said walking over and looking up with a very aggressive tone. 

"Is that a challenge?" she responded locking eye contact with Enigma. The growl started low but increased in volume as their voices rivaled one another. Enigma lunged first but before she could reach any where vital on the monster Alpha had chomped down on her wings and thrown her across the room and into the wall. 

The other two took this as a sign to attack. TJ was quick to go for her and so was Split but neither of them had any idea how to fight in their predacon alt modes. The beast called Alpha reeled and turned, slamming her tail into Split Spark's head. That threw him way off and he went down, leaving her to only have to bring down TJ. 

TJ went after her with his brute strength, though he didn't count on her having more of it. When he reared up to slash down she charged and rammed his underside, knocking him back, off balance, and into a wall.

Shockwave had observed the situation escalate and figured no good could come of letting either party get severely injured. He commed the trio and told them to return to the door where he would go to let them out. He opened the door slow, Enigma was limping and the two males left with their head hung low.

Alpha watched as the door opened, they were leaving, that was the way out! The only way out and maybe the only opportunity to use it. 

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