Chapter Twenty One

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I stared at her in disbelief. "Humans have died in my city because of a vampire hell-bent on bringing his dead girlfriend to life. I've been tossed around like a rag doll by that same vampire, and the only one who is capable of protecting me is going up to visit your father whilst you waste my time holding me down here. So, excuse me if I don't listen to a single goddamn word you say."

"It will be on your own head, human," Bree shrugged, letting me go ungraciously. "You should not be involved."

"Sorry, hun, but what I get involved in is none of your damn business," I retorted sharply. "Now, if you don't mind, I've got a meeting to get to."

Without waiting on a response, I jogged up the stairs and caught up with Nate, who was waiting for me at the top. A set of French doors was all that separated us from the Alpha and, hopefully, our ticket to winning this fight with Baxter. 


I had to admit, Bree's words had shaken me. Of course I knew that this wasn't my fight; I was the only human in the midst of a fucking paranormal war, and therefore the weakest link. I was so out of my depth, I was practically drowning.

But, like I'd said to her, I'd be damned if I let my own limited mortality scare me from avenging the deaths of all those girls back in New York and bringing their killer to justice, even though that killer was stronger than an entire army combined.  That was my job.  I wasn't going to stop doing my job, my duty, just because I found out the paranormal world existed.

"You okay?" Nate asked, sensing my unease.

"Yeah, I'm good," I lied.  Nate regarded me, unconvinced. I had no time for him questioning me right now, not when we were so close.  We had to stay focused on the task at hand; persuading the Alpha to be on our side.  "So, we going in or what?"

Nate sighed heavily, clearly eager to question me further, but turned on his heel and entered the house. The glass doors led directly into a cosy living area, which was decorated with sheepskin rugs and antlers that hung on the walls.  It reminded me of a hunting man's cabin.  A large stone mantelpiece was situated on the left wall, the fire crackling happily and giving a warm golden glow to the room. Two bulky men in teal suits guided us into a room, where an older man who was built like a tank, sat on an old throne-like seat made of mahogany; his white beard and twinkling eyes reminding me of Father Christmas.

Seeing Nate and I entering the room, he sat up straighter in his chair.

"Nathaniel Carey?"  The older man called, his deep growling voice carrying across the room.

"Yes, Your Highness," Nate confirmed, bowing his head in greeting. "This is my partner, Nicki Armstrong. She's been instrumental in our journey to protect the natural order. that you and your people hold in high regard."

"It's an honour--"

"Why are you here?"  Abraham asked, cutting me off.  I exchanged a glance with Nate, who shook his head in minute fashion, warning me to keep my mouth shut. The white wolves, for all their 'natural order' bullshit, were the most ignorant people I'd ever met in my life.  And, their ignorance was really beginning to grate on my nerves.

"As you may already know, sir, the natural order is in danger," Nate explained. "We have reason to believe that a vampire is trying to bring someone back from the dead, using the blackest of magic.  Magic that was banished centuries ago for its effects on nature and the balance.  And," he added. "He's also kidnapped your sister in the process, making her perform this magic under extreme duress.  Her life is also in danger as a result."

"Sister?" I exclaimed, turning to Abraham with wide eyes.  "Hold on -- Alexandria is your sister?"

Now that I knew, I could see the resemblance, right down to the teal silk that everyone seemed to wear in this pack like some crazy cult thing.  But...  How did that work?  Did that mean Alexandria was a wolf too?  Was Abraham a witch?  Were the white wolves witches?  That would make sense if they were.  

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