Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Oh, he's fine," Baxter said calmly.  "I mean...  For now, anyway.  We're just having a little fun right now, aren't we, Rik?  Wanna say hi?" 

"Nicki, don't come here!"  Rik yelled in the background.  

I heard a pained grunt as flesh connected with flesh, and bones cracking.  I winced, closing my eyes to prevent the tears that threatened to spill over.  "Rik..."  I faltered.  "I swear to God, if you lay another finger on him, I will fucking end you."

"Aww," Baxter cooed.  "That's so cute.  You really are a badass.  From breaking into my brother's nightclub during his party, to being all feisty with me and my guys, and now you're acting all sassy whilst trying to hide from me?"  He clicked his tongue in mock disappointment.  "Nicki, honey -- did anyone ever teach you the rules of cat and mouse?  I'll give you a little hint," he dropped his voice to a whisper that made my skin crawl.  "You ain't the cat."

"You listen to me, asshole," I spat.  "I'm coming for you.  I'm gonna end you and whatever sick game you're trying to play.  Mark my words."

"Oh, consider them marked," Bax chuckled.  "I look forward to seeing you.  I mean, I can't stop thinking about you in that little dress of yours, especially with it all ripped and you looking a little roughed up."  He whistled slowly.  "Man - if my guys hadn't roughed you up so much to start with, I might've had a little fun with you first."

"Go to hell!"  I barked.  I glanced at Nate, and wished I hadn't.  Because of his superior vampire hearing, he could hear every word Bax was saying.  And, I think Bax knew it too.  His body was coiled, his eyes glittering with fury, and his jaw tensed.  Now was not the time to go crazy.    

"Ooh, feisty," he let out a little laugh.  Nausea filled within me, and I fought the urge to hurl.  "I like it.  Hope you're still like that when I see you again, which is gonna be soon.  I hope."

"Oh, yeah," I agreed coldly.  "I'm seeing you soon, asshole.  And, I'm taking that sick head of yours clean off your goddamn shoulders."

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Baxter sniffed.  "You hurt me, I've given orders to kill your friend and your little witch so...  You want them alive?  You don't hurt me.  Sucks, don't it?  Well - for you, anyways.  See ya soon, Nicki-darling, if you want your little Rikky boy's heart to stay beating inside the safety of his chest cavity.  Oh," he added.  "And, uh, little side note?  Come alone.  I see my big brother -- hiya Nate! -- or anyone else, for that matter?  I'm gonna be using your partner as a little midnight snack, and I'm pretty hungry as it is, but...  I'm waiting on your sweet little ass.  Comprende?"

With a click, he was gone.  Staring at the device in my shaking hand, my mind raced.  What the hell do I do now?  Rik was now involved, and God knows what state he was in now that Baxter had him.  How long had he had him?  Beside me, Nate was leaning against the banister, staring aimlessly out at the village below us. 

"He's got Rik," I whispered, lifting my head to look at Nate. 

"I know," Nate nodded, a dark expression on his features.  "I heard."

"What do we do now?"  I asked.

"We stick to the plan," Nate answered, his voice annoyingly measured.  "We go into New Orleans, take Kai and Bree with us, and we stop him.  We save Alexandria and now Rik too.  Nothing's changed."

"Are you kidding me?"  I exclaimed, incredulous.  "You heard what he said, Nate!  He'll kill them if you or anyone else comes into New Orleans except me!  I need to go in there on my own and get them out on my own.  I have to, otherwise they have no chance!"

"Are you crazy?"  He demanded.  "You are not stepping foot into New Orleans without some kind of backup!  He'll kill you on sight!"

"No, he won't," I reasoned.  "Don't you remember, Nate?  He needs me for that spell to bring Ana back to life.  He needs me alive and unharmed so that I survive that spell.  I'm the one who looks like her the most; I'm the one he'll be after and he won't want anyone laying a finger on me, because my bruises and my scars will become hers if the spell works."

"I won't let it get that far," Nate promised.

"Even so," I shrugged.  "I have to go in there alone, Nate; we don't have any other goddamn choice!  He's made sure of that."

Nate exhaled, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.  "Alright fine," he said finally.  "You go in there, on your own.  But, the wolves and I are coming to get you out before the spell can be done.  That way, you can distract Bax whilst we get Rik and Alexandria out of there without him knowing, then we'll pull you out.  It's the only thing I can think of that'll make sure everyone gets out of New Orleans alive after this."

"Sounds like a good idea," I agreed, a small smile on my face.  "I'm gonna be okay, Nate.  This isn't my first rodeo.  I'm a cop, remember?"

"I just wish you weren't gonna go in there on your own," Nate admitted gently.  "I'm gonna be out of my mind with worry, Nicki.  You know how I feel about you."

"I know," I nodded, remembering the kiss we shared back in the cabin.  That felt like centuries ago, yet the memory of it still sent fire flowing through my body.  We'd been so centred on trying to stay one step ahead of Baxter that our feelings for each other had allowed themselves to manifest and blossom and now, with my life in more danger now than it ever was, those feelings that had been suppressed were beginning to rear their head once more.

This was only going to put more of a dent in our situation.

"But, we can't distract ourselves with that right now," I went on.  "We need to focus on what we're gonna do the minute we hit New Orleans.  It's our only shot at making sure everybody gets out of the city alive, apart from Baxter."

Nate nodded, looking resigned.  "Soon as this is all over, I'm wining and dining you until you can't move."

I chuckled.  "That's a deal, as long as we're agreed that you're not biting my neck anytime soon."

Nate scoffed.  "Wouldn't dream of it."

At that moment, Bree and Kai joined us.  Seeing them stand side by side, I could see the resemblance between them despite the matching outfits.  It was clear that, though Bree looked to be the eldest out of the siblings, it was Kai who held the power between them.  The signs of an aspiring Alpha, I thought to myself.

"How did it go?"  Kai asked by way of greeting.

"Your dad was a dick," I responded, my voice brittle.

Bree's eyebrows arched, her golden eyes hardening.  "Excuse me?" 

"However," Nate quickly added, shooting a disapproving glance in my direction.  I didn't care; Bax's phone call had me spun out.  Quite frankly, we were on the clock to save Rik and Alexandria from him, not to mention prevent him from resurrecting his old flame.  Standing here chitchatting was wasting time.  Nate obviously didn't think that way. 

"He was kind enough to lend us two of his favoured warriors," he finished.

"So, that is why we were summoned here," Bree nodded, realisation dawning on her pretty features.  She didn't look very pleased at the prospect of helping us with our case.  Tough shit, I thought.  "We're accompanying you."

"So, when do we leave?"  Kai asked, rubbing his hands eagerly. 

"Now." I answered.

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