A Start With an Unlucky Boy and a Vampire

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We see our hero, Touma Kamijou, on a bus with just him in the far back, looking at some paper while thinking, 'Can't believe Miss Komoe managed to help me get into a whole new high school. Best part is, it's starting on a whole new year. Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe all that misfortune turned into good luck this time.'

One can only hope. But he had no idea what's going to happen now that he jinxed himself. This is only the beginning of something big.

The bus driver looked up in the mirror and spoke up "Hey kid, where you from?

He looked up and responded "Academy City. It is recently on lockdown."

"Academy City? Then I hope you are prepared. Youkai Academy is something else."

Touma sighed as he said "Such misfortune." He should've known better than to jinx himself. So much for a normal school.

"But I highly doubt the Imagine Breaker would die from something that he can destroy"

Touma tensed a bit, this is a first that someone else knew about his ability besides the magic side. This may be a good chance to finally get some answers about his power.

"How did you know? Just who are you?"

The bus driver chucked "I have my ways. You are the care taker of the Index Librarium Prohibitory"

Touma was about to say something before the bus driver continued "And before you ask, I once met an imagine breaker user so I know all about it."

Touma says, "somehow, I doubt you would tell me about imagine breaker."

Once the bus passed the tunnel, he felt his right hand trying to negate something, all he heard was glass cracking. The driver saw his and kept smiling before pulling up to a bus stop.

Touma grabbed his bag and walked out. The bus driver says "good luck kid, you'll need it" before driving off.

He sighed while saying "Such misfortune."

He looked around to see that the sea was blood red, and the trees almost look dead but with just enough life to survive.

He sighed then started his walk on the trail, hoping that nothing would happen while walking. Oh how wrong he was.

*timeskip to where things pick up*

As he kept walking, all he saw were mostly crows with blood red eyes. And a bike that's riding his way. In fact, it seemed whoever was riding, wasn't paying attention.

The bike user came over a little dip right next to him, as the voice sounded like a female yelling, "look out!!!"

He looked up and saw a beautiful pink haired girl nailing him in the face with he bike, knocking him back into a tree, whole she landed on his chest.

He sighed while saying "Such misfortune"

The girl apologizes "I'm so sorry, I got dizzy." She looked up to see that Touma was slightly blushing. The only thing that ran through his mind was, 'she's, beautiful'

He snapped out of it before feeling his nose bleed. The one time he bleeds isn't one from Index's bites. Which he may have gotten lucky since she had to move back to England.

The pink haired girl notices this and starts pulling out  a wipe while saying "Oh, you're bleeding. Here, let me-" She was interrupted with a really good smell.

She was blushing while saying, "I can't... I shouldn't... But, that smell."

Touma was confused, smell? He didn't smell anything but how good her hair was, which was weird. It was almost a beautiful smell too.

A Certain Touma Kamijou With a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now