The welcoming

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It was a new day and there was still so much to do . Max prepared the gathering room for all of the new members.
The place was decorated with thousands of candles and ancient artifacts.
Stevie rounded everyone up for the gathering .
One by one they entered the room quietly and took a seat on the pillows that we're provided on the floor .
After everyone was settled max took his place at the alter .
" hello everyone I'm Maxwell Matoya but you can call me max . As you know I am a vampire . There is more to me than you know and now each of you are somewhat like me . I'm a hybrid. I'm part vampire part wolf . I typically stay in vampire form but possess the strength and power of a wolf . You have that as well but you are more vampire because you are my offspring so to speak . I'd like to get to know each of you personally and my love Stevie and I will be choosing another mate . Those who take interest in that will stay seated once the gathering is over . If you are looking for a mate feel free to look amongst all the members here . Maybe a connection will happen . We do plan to recruit more humans so if you do not find a mate with anyone that is here now then maybe you will at a later date . Try not to get frustrated . Be patient. I waited years for my mate .
Now that that's out of the way we need to discuss rules and your hidden powers that each of you have . You will need to practice everyday to learn how to use your power.
First the rules :
Never tell an outsider vampire or human about us or where we live .
Never bring a human here to turn without coming to me first .
Never turn a child
Never go on a killing spree causing attention to us.
Never break any of these rules .

Now close your eyes and dig deep down . Find your hidden power . It will be something comparable to your strengths as a human .
Stay focused . I want you to continue this until you've mastered it . Do this daily and nightly and in any free time that you have . We will also provide workshops for many areas of learning about what you now are and what it means and how to survive.
You're dismissed. You're free to go fix up the cabin of your choice . Those who are interested in becoming part ur mate as stated before please remain seated . That will be all for now thank you ." Max said as he gestured them to leave .

Stevie took Max's place at the alter .
" the four of you still seated please stand ." Stevie said politely.
There were two women and two men .
All very beautiful creatures . Stevie was intrigued.
"I'll need to kiss each of you to see if I feel the connection. Stevie said with a grin ."
The first guy walked up to Stevie . He leaned down to kiss her hand . Max stood there watching not sure what to think or feel . Typically hybrid have a trio love to feed their sexual hungers and cravings for love . But he loved Stevie so much that it was difficult to accept.
" hello Stevie , I'm Carlos and I would love to be your third mate ." Carlos said with a smile .

He was beautiful. Long black hair dark skin , dark eyes .
Stevie leaned in and kissed him deeply but felt nothing .
Stevie thanked him and went in to the next .
" hello I'm Dylan ." Said the guy
He had short blonde hair and a very chiseled body .
He placed his hands on her face and kissed her deeply . Stevie seemed to melt into him and max did not like it one bit but he controlled himself.
Stevie pulled back and thanked him and went on to the first woman in line .
" hi I'm summer it would be my pleasure to be your other partner." Said the young woman
She had long , long red hair and green eyes . Her body was so perfect .
Stevie leaned in and kissed her .
Something turned inside of her . Stevie felt drawn to summer but she still had one woman left so she thanked summer and went on to the next.

" hey I'm gabby and I think you're both beautiful." Said the final woman .
Stevie leaned in and kissed her . But felt nothing . She was very beautiful as well . Short brown curly hair . A perfect body . They were all so beautiful.
Stevie dismissed gabby and Carlos.
" Dylan and summer could you please join max and I in the conference room . It's more private " Stevie said .

They entered the door to the left which was like a large office with a huge table with chairs surrounding it.
Max said " take a seat please."
Stevie explained " Max and I need to know more about you before we can decide which of you would be better for us . We want to be right for you as well . You have to feel it too ."

" I felt a fire burn through my entire being . I have never felt more drawn to anyone in my life . I'm 25 years old . I've been on the streets about 3 years . I got hooked on drugs really bad and my mom kicked me out well she's actually my step mom but my dad lets her run him . My mom died of a drug overdose when I was 11 years old so , I feel like I've never truly had anyone ." Summer explained .

Stevie and max looked at each other. She definitely had a similar past as Stevie .

Dylan began to tell his story :
I'm 28 years old . I was in the marines for 8 years . I was injured during combat and was released from the military with an honorary discharge. When I came home my pops had passed of a heart attack . He's all I had . My mother died of cancer when I was 5 years old .
My family never had much so when my dad died we lost our home . So it's just been me and my suitcase and my old dog buck . He's my best friend."

" I just want to thank you both you're dismissed for now . Max and I need to discuss this ." Said Stevie.

Once they left the room max and Stevie began trying to decide which one they would choose .

" they both have wonderful qualities and I felt something with both of them . However I did feel more drawn to summer but something tells me not to rule out Dylan either." Stevie explained.

Max looked at her and smiled .
" you can have both if your heart so desires . The more the merrier . I want you to be happy and be full of love . "

Stevie looked at him and said " well baby that's a great idea ! The both of them . We will need to extend our cabin . We need more room . "

" ok let's do this ." Max said

They called the two back in and told them the good news. Summer and Dylan would now be max and Stevie's mates .
The family was growing bigger as the village was growing in size . The woodlands was now looking like a small town of its own .
Everything was coming together nicely. More members joined and soon Stevie would make plans to bring the human boy home with her and release the innocent humans from the elders grips .

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