Wicked ways

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Stevie couldn't stop thinking about the young boy beyond the gates . She hoped that he was still alive . Stevie has always wanted a child and this could be her chance . The boy was about 12 years old but she felt he still needed a mother . If she could save him she would have her hands full protecting him from the newborns. He was too young to be turned .

Stevie called for a meeting to speak about the plans to rescue humans from the grips of the bitter evil elder Mary.

As everyone gathered in the meeting area , stevie asked everyone to be seated and began to speak ;
"It would have to be a very careful and strategic move.
We will be going up against very old vampires which means very powerful and ranked very high .
We hate Mary is doing there is sickening and goes against many vampire laws , but she feels she is the elder so she can do what she wants to do , but I happen to know better . I can see the future and much of the past . I can also see a very strong elder , the highest of highest ranked elders coming this way before too long.
He will be pleased to know that we put a stop to it.
Max will brief you on all of the details as he knows mary well . this will take some time but in the end we will not only have a large community, that community will be abolished.  Everyone please stay seated while Max steps up the explain everything and be sure to take notes . we can't afford any mistakes . " Stevie said .

Stevie gives Max a wink as she welcomes him to the alter . He smiles and winks back.
Max began to explain to very thing about that village and everything about Mary.
He expressed his concerns, but he k ew that it had to be done . He expressed the possibility of losing some of them if they weren't careful. There are many very strong vampires there and you are to weak up against them. " he said .

Max knew that Mary's wicked ways had to come to an end , but he did feel something in his heart for Mary beings how she saved him years ago. She became more of like a Mother to him. He had hopes of convincing her to join forces and learn better ways .
He just had to figure out how .

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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