Chapter 4

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"I ain't wearing no suit with no damn flowers on it."

"Yeah, what are you doin' to us? These are girls' clothes!"

The two classrooms at the end of the hall closest to the gym have become dressing rooms for the kids. Rolling racks loaded with colorful outfits have replaced the desks and chairs. Crates and suitcases with makeup and hair products fill every other empty spot.

I hear a few more protests about the clothes from inside the boys' room as Jax and his assistants put the finishing touches on them. Victor, of course, complains the loudest. Luis, on the other hand, bursts from the classroom with his chest puffed out, wearing a peach plaid sweater vest and brown checked pants and declares, "I'm lookin' fine!" He runs to me for a high-five. That kid always makes me giggle.

The vibe in the girls' dressing room is completely different. Peeking in, I watch them pose in front of the full-length mirrors.

"Oh my God, these clothes are so fancy!" squeals Sofia.

"I know!" says Isabella, "Do you think we get to keep them?"

My heart swells, and I don't need Jax to tell me how cute they are. All done up in Gucci and buzzing with excitement, I can't even stand it.

The kids have rehearsed twice before today, and there wasn't much to it. They practiced by launching foam balls at each other that would later be frosted cupcakes, cookies and pies. It was organized chaos at best, and I was just glad I wasn't the one in charge. Jax was clearly uncomfortable, staying flat against the blue padded walls, dodging balls being flung from all directions.

I'm told that Harry doesn't want much rehearsing. He wants the food fight to be organic and even a little aggressive, the way kids naturally argue. Lucky for us, there's not much acting necessary for that. Even a friendly volleyball game in gym class often ends up needing a referee.

Though the directors were pleased with how the kids looked in each rehearsal, I am still anxious. I feel responsible for their behavior, like a nervous mother who just prays that her kids behave when company is over for dinner.

Harry did not attend either rehearsal but will be here today for the taping, and I am dancing near the edge of my sanity.

Most of my wardrobe is "teacher-y," according to Lina. I need to be comfortable today, so I decided on a long sweater with jeans and short boots- all my favorites. Eyeing me as I pull on my hem and fluff my high ponytail, Sofia says, "You're acting weird, Miss J."

"I'm just excited for the taping today. And for you to meet Mr. Styles."

She wrinkles her nose and squints her eyes at me. "Do you, like, have a crush on him or something?" I did have to do a little explaining earlier about Lina's addition of Harry to the classroom "Emergency" sign.

"Silly girl! I just like his music. I've told you that. And, you know, he seems really nice. I mean..." I babble. Good grief, I'm losing it. "'s nice of him to come here and give you this opportunity. I'm just excited for you all to be in his video."

"Uh huh." she replies, hand on hip. "I think you have a secret crush on him."


We gather all the kids from the dressing rooms and lead them into the gym. Jane, a few parents, Lina and I walk through the heavy wooden doors and are stunned by our gym's transformation into a Hollywood set. Cameras and equipment, people and noise. And, strangely, a growing pile of baked goods lumped haphazardly in the center of the floor.

But what is most amazing are the 28 black canvas director's chairs facing us. Open mouthed, we walk around them to see each child's name in glittery silver script, written gracefully across the back of each chair. As we stare, Jax approaches, smiling. "Harry sent them," he sighs with his head titled, lightly tracing the curvy letters in 'Sofia' with his index finger.

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