Chapter 6

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"Get it, girl!" 

"Jennifer!" I roll my eyes at her, even though she cannot see me over the phone.  "Please.  I told you, he wants to plan our visit to his studio."  I am about to meet Harry at the tiny coffee shop in my neighborhood.   "Don't make it dirty."

"Mhmm.  How many times did Jane say he called for you?  Watch your panties."

"He did come on kinda strong... and a little cheesy, maybe.  But then we had a really nice talk.  I told him about the kids, about how brave they really are- I don't know, he seemed really touched." The memory makes me smile.

I hear her crunching, probably Cheez-Its.  "Oh, he was touched, alright.  His dick touched the top of your table."

"Oh my god stop.  I looked like a complete idiot.  Remember?  He saw the sign?"  I turn in a circle in my small kitchen, searching for my keys.  "I called you for a confidence pep talk!"

"Yes.  And as your Trusted Adult, I must tell you to use protection!" she giggles.

"You're not helpful!" I yell into my phone, slinging my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my keys.


There are no free tables, of course.  I have no idea why he thought a coffee shop on a Saturday morning was a good idea. 

Maybe wants witnesses in case I try to take a bite out of him.

He did, actually, call Jane to talk to me. A few too many times, too.  He aggravated her to the point where she finally told me to 'deal with him,' since she has real business to attend to, and gave him my number.

We set up this meeting through text.  This is why I needed Jenny to talk me down.  I have been texting Harry Styles.  But knowing that today's meeting is business, and that we'll be talking about my kids, helps me stay focused.

The fliers pinned to the bulletin board by the door flutter when I open it, whispering to me calming sentiments.  The comfortable hum of friendly chatter and the warm smell of coffee also help to soothe my nerves.

He has chosen the small square table in the corner and is sitting with his back to the window.  His chair is pushed out from the table and he has one long leg crossed over the other, ankle over knee.  My heart swirls like rich cream melts into hot coffee, knowing that the chair opposite him is waiting for me. 

He is slid down in his chair a bit with one arm cocked behind him, elbow perched on the high back of the chair.  The other hand rests on his thigh.  His thumb slides under his fingers, one at a time, as he hypnotically twirls each ring there and I can't look away. 

The jarring whir of the bean grinder behind the counter makes me jump.

He tics his chin at me in greeting.  Smiling slyly, I see just the tip of his tongue touch the corner of his mouth, smugly satisfied that he has caught me staring.

I cross the room and slide into the chair he nudges out for me with the toe of his boot.

This is business, right?

Before I can speak, the soothing scent of ginger and peach waft over me and I inhale deeply.  I look down to see a heavy white mug of my favorite tea steeping and steaming at my place. 

"Did I get it right?" he asks slowly, sitting up, leaning his forearms on the table.  I nod. I can't stop the smile that stretches my lips and before I look back down to the table, I see a sheepish smile on his, too.

"You had a canister of it behind your desk at school," he confesses.

"Points to you for being a good student."

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