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TW: Blood, Crying


Virgil POV

I was sitting on my bed, drawing.

Me and Roman had a little encounter... wait you know this dont you. Yeah in chapter eight we had that fight

Oops sorry for that. Well I was drawing a little snake.... a light yellow snake. With bright yellow eyes with a diamond pupil.

I started crying. I missed him. I missed his laugh. I missed his voice. I missed his hugs. I missed everything about him. Deceit was the best person I've met. Ever.


Deceit nudged me "Virgil." He said


"Virge Virge."



"Grape pie"

"Blackberry pie"

"Emo pie"

"Emo Violin"

I opened my eyes

He saw I was awake and chuckled

"Finally" he said with a big grin on his face

I pulled him into a kiss

When we pulled apart I said "Those were some very creative nicknames"

He giggled then reached over to something. I heard plates and glasses clinking

Then I saw a plate of waffles with chocolate chips, bacon and three hard boiled eggs on three different plates. There was also a glass of Orange Juice with a black straw

He kissed my forehead

"Just for you"

I started crying

"Huh. Did I do something wrong. Oh no. Do you not like Orange Juice. Dangi-" His panicking was cut of by me saying

"No, no. Y-You're just too sweet" I said still crying

"Thank you so much" I said as I stopped crying a bit

"Phew, sorry I just thought I did something wrong" He said relieved

"You could never do anything wrong. You're too perfect" I said sweetly

~end of flashback~

That was one of my favorite memories with Deceit. God he was perfect. He was the best

My crying got cut off by someone yelling. More specifically Roman

"VIRGIL! PLEASE!" Roman yelled to me. He sounded panicked.

I got up out of bed. I should probably apologize.

I started walking until I heard this


When I heard that I started running as fast as I could

I swung the door open and saw blood everywhere. Staining the carpet. Memories of when Deceit died played in my head. But I needed to focus on helping Roman

I looked over to Roman

He was limp, blood stained his clothes. He was unconscious.

I sprinted out of his room and ran to Logans room

I swung open Logans door

"Virgil! I told you I'm working!" Logan turned to look at me

His expression went from angry to worried

"Virgil? Are you ok" He asked me


Logan jumped out of his seat and grabbed the first aid kit in his closet. We rushed to Roman's room.

Once Logan saw Roman his mouth dropped to the floor. He rushed over to Roman and started wrapping Romans left arm in bandages. He held out a roll of bandages to me and said "other arm"

We both wrapped his arms with bandages. Then we picked him up and put him on his bed.

Logan left to go get his laptop. I stayed in the room with Roman

All I could think was.

This was my fault

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