Sleeping Over [PART 2]

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"Hey! Are you ready?! Get your ass down here!" I hear Kiki shout from the bottom of the stairs.

I rush over to my bag making sure I grab the right pair of pajamas to wear for the sleepover. I did not want to mess up! This was my first sleepover ever!

"Cars can't drive their own asses (y/n)!" Kiki shouts louder hearing her voice get more irritated.

"I am coming Kiki!"  I reply back to her as I grab my phone and run down the stairs.

"For fuck sake, it shouldn't have to take that long to get a pair of pajamas and clothes to change into tomorrow," Kiki taps her foot raising her eyebrow in frustration.

"It should actually take longer than you think!" Peri states coming from behind me on the stairs and grabs my bag stuffing something in there without me really seeing what it was. She just sent me a wink as me and Kiki left the house.

"Have fun! And Kiki be sure to be back in this house in two days! I need you to drive me to my agency again~" Peri waves with a carefree smile on her face as she closes the door behind us.

Kiki just sighs waving her hand in the air and soon we got in the car and started to drive over to Mina's place.

"You know, this is your first time making friends right? Isn't it exciting? I mean there will be boys but that's beside the fucking issue. Anyway's what I am trying to say is that  I want you to enjoy yourself tonight. Sure Rue would fucking kill us all if something happened to you but other than that you should just enjoy yourself," Kiki states smiling to me ruffling my hair.

God's she cusses sometimes but she truly is a great older sister.

"Yeah, thanks a lot Kiki. I will be sure to enjoy myself tonight, I promise!" I state excited.

Or I was excited...



I knock on the door unaware of the insanity happening inside the house. I took a deep breath as I wave my farewells to Kiki who nods back and drives off. I look back at the door but got nothing. No response. No one didn't hear me?

I knock on the door louder and then the door suddenly swings open with a great force revealing a very excited Ashido.

"Oh hey! It's (y/n)!!! I am so glad you could make it!" She squeals pulling me into her home and slams the door shut locking it. I was greeted by a horrendous sight.

"Oh god..." I mumble under my breath.

Bakugou was on top of Kirishima who was twisted sides between Bakugou and Kaminari who was struggling to stay in the same position twisted under Kirishima. Sero was laying on the side dead. Rest in pieces Sero.

"Hurry the fuck up pinkie! I can't stay in this position forever you fucker!" Bakugou groans shouting in frustration.

God Bakugou has the most scariest face. It's amazing.

"Stop shouting and squirming man! I am gonna fall over soon!" Kirishima states with a wry smile across his face.

"Stop shaking Kiri! I am gonna land on my ass soon! Jesus ugh my back!" Denki cries begging to move to a more comfortable position.

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