The Fall

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You close your eyes and take one last deep breath....then you jump.

You wake up a few hours later, 'or at least you think so'. You squint looking at the circle of light far above you.

'How is there even light coming in through there?'

You give yourself a quick pat down making sure everything is still in one piece before slowly sitting up. Your head starts throbbing from the motion but slows to a dull ache after you stay still for a moment.

You slowly take a look around, you can see what mostly looks like a cave but in the distance there seems to be the entrance to....'to what?'

You crawl to your knees taking a moment to get your head to stop throbbing again. Beneath you are some golden flowers, you take a few as you set back again and weave some into your hair as you braid it to get it out of the way, using the stems to keep it tied together.

'It's not much but it'll do the job for now.'

Slowly you struggle to get to your feet and begin the walk to the entrance, your head throbs with each step. You lean against the walls where you can and take it slow in the areas you cannot,. Eventually you reach the arch way and take a moment to catch your breath leaning against the arch, black spots clouding your vision.

After a few moments your vision clears and up ahead you can see what looks like a grassy patch with a single flower growing in the center. This flower has the same golden petals as the ones woven into your hair, but this one has grown taller and it's center is pure white. After resting for another second you slowly dredge your feet forward across the clearing.Your head keeps throbbing as you approach the clearing.You stop just a few feet from the flower, up close it looks almost like it has a face.

Weird, flowers don't usually have faces.

"Howdy! I'm Flo-"

"What the fuck?" ,you scream.

'That flower did not just talk.'

"Can I finish now?"

"No!" You hold your head which is throbbing even more now, the black spots swarm your vision, "How the hell are you talk-" is all you manage to croak out before you fall.

"Oh,no you poor thing."

The soft voice calling out is the last thing you hear before you slip into unconsciousness.

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