Legends of old

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It had been a few weeks since Alex had broken off and shared a piece of her soul with you, and Alex had discovered she was able to access the same magic you used. Though her ability level with fire magic was that of a novice, she burnt herself often trying to learn how to control the fire she created. But healing came naturally to her, and I rarely had to help her heal her wounds after she burnt herself.

“Alex, dear just relax, remember what I told you!”

You give a small chuckle as the small ball of fire that had been burning in Alex’s hand flares up before going out. From where you are seated you can hear Alex hiss and mumble something under her breath before a hint of green glow emanates from her hands. You go back to flipping through your book Alex continues to grumble. Since her power first was discovered you had been looking through all of your books hoping for some mention of this power Alex had, but you had yet to find anything in any of your books. 

“Alex maybe it is time to take a break from practicing.”

As you close your book and look up you can see Alex is huffing, her hands hanging at her sides, healing too much always drained her and she had been practicing for quite a few hours now.

“Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

Alex shuffles her way into the house and you follow her in, you both head towards the main room. You put the book away and enter the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and a sandwich for Alex. 

“Find any info in the book you were reading?”

“No, and that was the last book I could think of to look in. I may have to go visit an old friend who has more knowledge of the old lore and legend of history.”

“Can I,” Alex stops swallowing the bite of sandwich she had been chewing, “come with?”

“No I cannot guarantee no monsters will try to attack you if you come along, or that my friend won’t attack you either. You’ll be safest here, but while I’m gone no practice alright?”

“Aw, but-”

“No buts! I would like to come back to my house and you in one piece understood?”

“Yes Toriel. So when are you going to go visit them?”

“I shall head out tomorrow, it’s too late to head out now.”

Not much else is said as you both settle in for the night before heading to bed. The next morning you wake early and get your stuff put together quietly, you didn’t want to wake Alex.

‘I can’t let her know I’m leaving the ruins, if she finds out she’ll try to leave herself.’ 

You leave Alex a note on the bedside table in her room and head out quickly. It had been quite some time since you had left the ruins, and though you didn’t enjoy leaving you couldn’t help but enjoy the fresh breath of cold air as you stepped out the door. The snow crunched under your feet as you quickly made your way to Snowdin. The small village twinkled as it always had, a tree stood in the center of town decorated in festive trinkets, surrounded by gifts.

‘Must be Christmastime, I wonder if I should give Alex something to celebrate.’

You give your head a small shake, now wasn’t the time to be thinking of such trivial things. As you make your way to the where the Riverman usually waits with his boat you hear the people of Snowdin starting to stir in their houses. 

“Tra la la. Here for a ride?”

“Yes, please”

You step into the boat as the Riverman turns to face you.

“Where would you like to go?”

“To Waterfall please.”

“Then off we go.”

You arrive in Waterfall in just a few minutes, you thank the Riverman as you get off the boat and head up to Gerson’s shop. You give a small knock as you enter the shop calling out to your old friend.

“Gerson are you here.”

“Well where else would I be? Ha Ha.”

“It’s good to see you old friend.”

“That it is, come. Would you like some tea?”

“Usually I would take you up on that offer but not right now. I was hoping you might help me find some answers.”

“I might be able to help depending on the questions your asking!”

“Do you know of any stories telling of a human that can share pieces of their soul with monsters?”

“Hmmm sound like quite the interesting human you’ve taken in this time Toriel.”

“Gerson.” You hiss this out as your head whips towards the entrance trying to see if anyone was passing by that could have heard.

“Once someone enters my shop, no one else can enter, and what is said here is done with no fear of being overheard.  I know you help the humans that fall down here, I see no issue with it. Now back to the story you were hoping to find, I do recall one, though back when I heard it was just the whisper of a rumor.”

“What is this story?”

“I heard this story many years before we were forced down below here. The story said that there was a bloodline of humans that had once mixed with monsters. And once every few generations a human would be born with the ability to share pieces of itself with monsters, and in return be able to wield the monsters magic as if it were its own. But I never met or seen one of these humans myself.”

“Is that all you know?”

“I know it’s not much but it sure beats the nothing you had before don’t you think? Wa ha ha.”

“Heh, I guess you're right. Thank you.” 

You end up sitting and catching up with your old friend over a cup a tea even though you hadn’t planned to and time flies. Before you know it it’s late in the afternoon.

“Oh dear, I didn’t realize it was so late. I really should get going.” 

“Now don’t be shy and stop in again soon ya hear?”

“I will, good-bye Gerson!”

You exit the shop a smile on your face,even though you hadn’t gotten much info it had been nice to catch up with an old friend. You decide not to dawdle too much and quickly make your way back to Snowdin, with the help of the very pleasant Riverman once again. Your just about to exit Snowdin when the aroma of cinnamon wafts out the door of the shop. 

“Mm that smells good, I’m sure Alex would enjoy a cinnamon bun.”

After a short stop in the shop, and some dizzying detours you finally make it back to the Ruins entrance and enter. As you hear the thud of the door closing behind you, you take a deep breath.

“It feels good to be home.”

You make your way through the halls and up the stairs. You leave the sweets you got on the counter in the kitchen. You begin walking out of the kitchen into the main room calling Alex’s name, you check in her room and the bathroom but she’s not there.

‘Did she go into the ruins? Did she find the exit while I was gone and I just didn’t notice?’  

You start to panic a little as you double check everywhere in the house. Just as you step out the front door of the house ready to start shouting her name, you see her. She’s lying on the ground next to a ghost, both of them seem to be lost in the music coming through their headphones. You smile as the panic subsides and you walk over to where they are laying, you crouch down and pull the headphone off of Alex’s left ear so she can hear you.

“Hey there, I’m home.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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