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next day neil wakes up first to see his wife sleeping in the most cutest and adorable way possible , her pout his making him lose his control , not able to control anymore he pecks her forehead , making her wake up 

avni wake up and sees neil admiring her 

neil : good morning wifey 

avni : good morning (in low voice )

she tires to get up but neil pulls her making her fall on him , avni gasps by his stunt 

avni : neil plse leave me 

neil : no plse dont go 

he keeps her hair strands below her ear and kisses her forehead , she smiles shyly making his heart flip 

neil : u know u r the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and i am very lucky to have u as mine 

avni turns into red , he chuckles seeing her 

neil : god avni u r so cute 

he slowly kisses her right cheek making her breathe uneven , she tries to move but again he hovers over her and kisses left cheek, making her more red 

neil : i thinking i am falling for u avni 

avni gets very shy and runs to bathroom 

inside bathroom 

avni pov : god !!! plse help me with these feelings , what happens to me when he is around ? 

she gets ready and goes out to find neil sleeping cutely 

she smiles seeing him and slowly goes near him and caresses his hair lovingly 

avni (whispers ): what is happening with me neil , i never felt these kind of feelings , but what ever it is i am in love with these 

neil : even i am 

avni widens her eyes and tries to run but her bad luck neil pulls her on him , she looks everywhere except him 

neil : wifey look at me 

avni doesnt look at him 

neil : wifeyyy 

he cups her face and makes her look into his eyes 

avni : neill plse (with tears in her eyes )

neil : hey avni (wiping her tears ) y r u crying ? u dont have to get embarrassed dear , i am urs as u r mine and i loved ur confession 

avni smiles looking down 

neil : and i love it when u blush like this and that too because of me 

saying this he kisses her cheek

avni tires to get up but he doesnt let her go 

neil : not so soon wifey , give me my morning dose (pointing towards his cheek)

avnis eyes widen and she turned into beetroot red

neil : come on wifey i am waiting 

he pulls her more close making her breathe uneven 

neil : so u r not going to kiss me ?

avni doesnt say anything , she looks down at his chest 

neil : its ok , my bad luck 

he pouts sadly making avni guilty , he leaves her and sits on the bed beside her and ties to go but avni holds his hand 

avni : neil plse 

the love she deservedWhere stories live. Discover now