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after avni left neil goes to the room where rajat was captivated 

neil : what did he say ??

dd : he is saying that he dont know that the girl who was hit by amol was pregnant and also he and amol doesnt even know who kareena is ??

neil : bloody liar 

ali : but neil he accepted that they did hit kareena 

neil : yeah he is playing so well but we shouldnt lose hope we have to make the truth out from his mouth 

dd : but neil what if he is saying the truth 

neil : i dont believe those bloody bastards , especially amol , one who can behave cruelly with his own sister can do anything (making a fist )

dd : relax we will find out the way 

ali : neill y dont we show this recording to police and get them arrested , we wanted that right 

neil : yeah but not like this , they have to accept that they killed my sister , it was just not an accident , that bloody idiot made my sister pregnant and he killed her . i want him to get punished for that 

dd : ok we understand ur point , but how r we gonna prove that , we dont have any evidences that amol is the one who made ur sister pregnant and one more thing we cannot keep rajat here with us any more , as his parents might be searching for him 

neil : so u r saying me that first let us make him arrest for accident case after that we will find evidence

dd : yes , because if he is in jail , he cannot do anything and we can easily gather proofs 

neil : ok then y late take rajat to police station and file a complaint against him and amol 

ali : neil r u sure ?? i mean what about avni ??

neil : i will take care of her

ali nods and neil leaves 

dd takes rajat to police station 

here at khanna mansion 

neil comes to home and goes to his room to find avni and tell her about amol 

avni : neil u came this early ?? did u talk to amol ???

neil : no but --

avni : oh ok (avni feels sad )

neil : avni i want to say u something 

avni : yes neil go on 

neil holds avnis hand , she senses that he is worried about something 

avni stands on her toes and pecks his forehead making him relax 

avni :  neil whatever it is plse dont worry i am here with u all the time 

neil : avni will u leave me if i go against ur brother ???

avnis face paled and she removes her hands away from his hold , she gets shocked 

avni : what r u saying neil ??? 

neil holds her by her shoulders and makes her sit beside him on the bed 

neil : avni plse listen to me carefully 

he holds her hand tightly squeezing them making her more curious and worry

neil : amo--oolll , amol is the one 

swetha comes to their room making them two alert

swetha : anvi beta we have to go to mehta mansion right now 

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