first kiss

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next morning neil wakes up and sees avni sleeping peacefully in his arms 

he admires her and pecks her forehead waking her up 

neil : good morning wifey 

avni : good morning (looking into his eyes )

neil : u look beautiful 

avni shys and lowers her head 

neil : avniii 

avni looks at him 

neil : i will miss this , waking up to ur beautiful face 

avni has tears in her eyes now , neil wipes them lovingly 

neil : i am sry , i am very bad husband na?

avni nods her head in no 

avni : u r the best husband anyone can ask for 

neil smirks naughtily and avni keeps a confused face 

neil : really ?

avni : yes 

neil : ok then give me a gift as i am the best husband 

avni : what should i give u ? i dont have anything to give u now , i will give u once after u come back  (she says innocently )

neil : u have one which u can give me now 

avni : what ?

neil smiles naughtily and hovers over her making her breath hitched and heart beat fast 

avni now understood what he meant , she immediately lowers her head blushing heavily 

neil : avni look at me 

avni doesnt look at him , he makes her look at him by lifting her chin , he slowly goes close to her , he can feel her heartbeat fast 

neil : plse give me a kiss on my cheeks (whispering in her ear )

saying this he moves back to look at her , she looks shocked 

neil : what ? y r u shocked ? did u think something else ? ( smirking naughtily )

avni turns into red due to embarrassment ,he chuckles at her and kisses her cheeks making her more blush 

neil : now come on give me my gift 

avni tries to get up but neil pulls he back 

neil :not so easily wifey , u have to give me my gift 

avni : plse close ur eyes 

neil smiles , he understood that she is gonna kiss him as yesterday also she did the same and closes his eyes , avni slowly places her lips on his cheek making him smiles more , after a small peck , she runs towards bathroom taking her clothes making neil laugh at her antics 

she comes out after freshening  and neil goes to get ready 

after coming out from bath he sees avni packing his clothes and he adores her more

neil : i was about to pack    

avni : its ok neil i love to do things for u 

neil : ot bad wifey being romantic huuh?

avni turns beet red and turns to other side , neil smiles and hugs her from back 

neil : even i love when u do things for me (making her smile )

he places a kiss on her earlobe making her shiver , smiling at her he moves away from her 

they pack his clothes and goes downstairs to family , after having break fast neil bids bye to everyone , avni follows him to the car , neil turns back to her and hugs her as tight as he can 

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