their pain

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neil : just get the hell out of here 

neil shouts on his employee and that employee runs away from his cabin to save his life 

ali : neil stop shouting on everyone 

neil glares at ali 

neil : u shut up 

ali : neilll listen 

neil : plse ali u go out i want to be alone 

ali : neil i am here to invite u for the engagement function 

neil : i am sry ali but i will not come 

ali : neil i swear on riya i will never even look at ur face if u miss any of my marriage functions 

neil gets shocked 

neil : ali plse 

ali : i dont want to listen anything , so just come tomorrow to the function 

neil : i cant beleive u r blackmailing me 

ali : yes i am , now go to home its already very late , aunty and avni might be worried for u 

neil : avni ? ( he chuckles sarcastically) , i dont think so

ali : Neil i dont understand one thing y r u being so stubborn to accept that amol is innocent and it is proved , so stop all this now neil 

neil : u r right u dont understand and u cant understand because she is not ur sister , she is my sister and i know what she went through and those all proves are fake ali and i dont believe all those fake proofs , even my avni is against me , only because of that moron 

ali : i am sry neil , but i dont think all those proofs are fake and how can u not believe which had been proved in front of ur eyes ? and how can u believe which u didnt even see ? before its too late open ur eyes neil , the truth is infront of u , even i thought wrong about amol but avni proved that he is not and i regret that now , i wish even u will realise it soon 

neil just cotrols his frustration 

neil : leave it ali i cant make u understand my view 

ali : neil yaar plse get back to avni and how can she not help amol yaar , he is her brother and ofcourse anyone will help their brother 

neil : i know he is her brother , the brother who doesnt even respect her forget about love and the other side me , i warned her not to go but then she disrespected me and brought some fake proofs and made him innocent and again she says that she loves me , i was right in the starting she is her brother no doubt in that and i regret loving her deeply because i am not able to hold this pain anymore ali , being so close yet so far , i dont know what to do (he suddenly cries in ali's arms )

ali : neil 

neil : i love her ali , i love her a lot but she chose him even after i warned her 

ali : i just hope all this misunderstandings will clear between u both very soon 

neil : this is not any misunderstanding ali , this is pure choice , choice of her , she wants amol's happiness over me

ali : neil plse think from her side too 

neil : no yaar now enough of this topic , i will come to ur engagement tomorrow dont worry and how can i not come to ur engagement , moreover my whole family will be there 

ali : thank you neil and plse never lose hope and once plse try to talk to her 

neil : i think u should go now , even i will go to home now

ali sighs sadly and leaves from there 

neil reaches home and finds avni on the couch waiting for him 

avni : neil 

as usual he ignores her as he is doing form the past one week and goes to their room leaving teary avni behind 

she takes a deep breathe to control her tears and goes into the kitchen to arrange dinner 

neil and avni both silently eat their dinner and goes into their room 

after changing avni comes and sits beside neil as she decided to talk to neil today at any cost 

neil gets shocked seeing her so near to him 

neil tries to ger up but she pulls him back again making him shock 

avni : neil plse neil (with tears flowing out of her eyes) , plse stop all this , i cant bear this anymore neil , plse beat me , shout at me  but plse neil talk to me , i cant bear ur silence neil 

neil : stop this act of urs avni 

avni : neil plse i am sorry for everything neil , i know u r my first priority but 

neil : no avni dont say that which is only false , i was never ur priority and will never be and now i dont care at all 

avni cries out loud 

avni : plse neil dont say that , i lover u neil , i cant bear u talking to me like this neil , plse believe me u r the one whom i am living for 

neil : shut up this nonsense and go to sleep avni and by the way tomorrow u will go to ur lovely brother's home right ? for that u should be fresh , so just sleep and let me sleep peacefully 

avni (crying) : if u dont want i wont go neil , nothing is important for me than u 

neil chuckles out loudly 

neil : nice joke avni now let me sleep will u 

saying this he lays on his side of bed while avni looks at him crying controlling her sobs

neil wipes his tear which comes out of his eyes not letting avni to see his state 

avni pov : i am sorry neil , i know this is all because of me , its all my mistake , i should have explained u calmly but i u were not ready neil and i didnt had any other choice other than going against u 

she cries and falls into sleep , neil turns to her side and wipes her tears and kisses her forehead and again turns to the other side and falls into sleep

first of all i am really very very sry and secondly i am sry for small update , i am not having enough time to update so am very sry hope u people understand 

i hope u people still like the story 

thanks for the patience and it means a lot

love u all

stay safe 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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