New house.

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When we entered the house, Snowball jumped out of the box and started sniffing all the furniture in the house.

(F/N): Do you like your new house ?

Snowball: Meow !

I laughed.

(F/N): You're so cute.

(F/N): Come here.

Snowball approached me.

I patted him on the head and he started purring.

Shiki: I feel a little rejected...

I looked at him.

(F/N): Oww... don't feel like that...

I approached him and hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me.

Shiki: You're so mean to leave me all by myself...

(F/N): I'm so sorry...

I kissed him on the cheek.

(F/N): Do you forgive me ?

Shiki: Umm... I don't know, maybe if you convince me...

(F/N): Alright, what do you want ?

Shiki: Maybe...

He touched his lips with his finger.

Shiki: If you gave me a kiss...

Shiki:  Maybe I could forgive you...?

I laughed.

(F/N): Ok.

I kissed him and he kissed me back with passion.

After a while our lips separated and we melted into each other's eyes.

Shiki: I love you.

(F/N): I love you too.

While I said that, I heard a big fuss in the kitchen.

Shiki and I rushed into the kitchen to find Snowball standing on a worktop and a dozen of pans lying on the floor.

Shiki: What the-

(F/N): Snowball, you're the one who made that ?

Snowball jumped off the worktop and went to stand in a corner staring at me, the tail between the legs.

Snowball: Meow...

(F/N): *sigh* God, Snowball...

Shiki: Maybe he's hungry.

(F/N): ?

Shiki went to get the kibble bag before filling a bowl and giving it to Snowball.

Snowball immediately started eating the kibbles in the bowl.

Shiki: I'm such a good owner !

I smiled at him.

(F/N): Not totally.

Shiki: ?

I took another bowl and filled it with milk.

I put the bowl of milk next to the bowl of kibbles

(F/N): A good owner does not forget that an animal also needs to drink.

Shiki: Mmm...

He pouted.

I laughed and I kissed him on the cheek.

(F/N): You're so cute.

(F/N): By the way...

I looked at the pans that were still on the floor.

(F/N): We should clean that before eating.

Shiki: Yeah you're right.

We started to clean while chatting.

Dance with Devils Shiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now