tag I'm it

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got tagged by Ruby-Riot 

1. I hate every type of candy expect milk chocolate

2. I use to be the world biggest girly girl until I hit puberty than stopped,  now you have to force me to wear a dress

3. when I was little(a couple of months) my parent ship me off to a country in Africa called Mauritania which is where my entire family is from

4. I got into anime a couple of year ago but became really into it around last year

5. Best show for me ever is fullmetal alchemist brotherhood 

6.  using old memes like dabbing or Uganda knuckles at people give me joy

7. Lolo is an actual nickname from my family but they would use "Djami Lolo"  but the Djami part is the French way to say Jamie but it is spelled in an African way

8. I got into my academia last year and it has consumed my life and so has Todoroki in the same way zuko did (I have a thing for traumatized I guess)  :)

9. at every dance I went to I flashed someone, the first time was in the bathroom wear me and 2  best friends were getting ourselves fixed and the top of the dress popped off. At the second dance I was spreading my legs to far and guy friend saw    

10. social interaction are not my strongest point but I do tend to be loud and extroveted to my friend :p

I only make puns so bare with me

Q: how do you make holy water

A: you broil the hell out of it ;)


I just started it but I can give a few

- the Todofam meets Momo

-her dad doesn't like Todoroki

-i'm making Momo like  Erza and Riza hawkeye

not all thing are inserting just give me time

not tagging because I don't know anybody                        that sounds sad

peace out

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