Singers love pt 2

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hey guys! i know its been like... a lot since I've posted, but I'm here with part 2 of singers love wont know if there'll be a part 3 but we'll see! Enjoy!


Lucy's POV

Before I start heading home, Natsu calls out to me. "Hey Luce! Don't leave yet! there's actually a place where I would like to take you!" I look at him, a little weirdly, but I nod back a yes following him. It seemed kinda strange for a moment, Natsu had been acting very off lately and I didn't know why.

   After what seemed like an hour of walking, we finally got to the place. It was a beautiful place! We were at a garden that had lots of flowers, including my favorite! The rose of Sharon! I looked around only to find a big tree that was both tall and huge! It was very beautiful, and the weather made everything better. I glanced at Natsu and he glanced back. "You know, this was the place where they found out about our talent. The crew and I were walking and somehow got lost." He started telling me the story about this beautiful place letting out a small chuckle, which I found very cute! He continued on, "and then we found this place. We thought it was so beautiful that it would be our secret spot for song writing, and I told them that when you came back...this would be the first place I'd bring you!" He looked at me and did his signature grin which I loved very much! So I smiled back and told him thank you.

~time skip~

After Natsu had showed me the place we went back to a café called "Blue Pegasus." It was truly an amazing place! The only problem was that all the dudes there were pretty cocky. Natsu seemed to get mad for one of them came a grabbed my hand and kissed it. Natsu almost kicked the dude! Thankfully I stopped him tho, if not...we'd be the ones kicked...more like kicked out! After the café, we went back to the Fairy Tail dorms. Natsu told me to prepare my song, and to not be scared. We soon got to our rooms and bid our farewells. I shut my door and later on my bed, tired from all the walking we did. That's right... Natsu made me WALK the whole time, knowing he had a car...*sigh* of course, it's is Natsu we're talking about. After what seemed like 5 minutes, I walked to the shower and changed into my unicorn onesie. I bought it while we were shopping for stuff I needed for my dorm. Okay! Tomorrow I will work on my new song! It's going to be caaaaaalllled...ummmmm....weeeeeelll. Oh who am I kidding I've got nothing! Welp, maybe I'll get a good title tomorrow. Maybe I'll write a romance song...I don't know! Let's just get some rest! Tomorrow's a big day! I thought to myself.

Natsu's POV

   Ok! Today is a new day! A new day to see Luce! I wonder when I'll be able to confess to her....doesn't matter! When the times right, I'll do it! I thought to myself, waking up from a very tiring nap. I decided to go and check on Luce, so I walked out my door and knocked on her door. *knock knock knock* As the door opened, I saw a very cute Luce coming out. "Oh! Good Morning Natsu! Did you sleep well?" She asked with the cutest smile I've ever seen! I replied, "Why, yes, yes I did!" She then continued speaking, "Soooo, what brings you to my front door?" With a slight chuckle coming out of her. "Well, I came to see how you were doing with the song! Saying that....n you've got no pressure right? You've always tended to get really pressured for literally no reason!" I gave a small laugh, as she looked and me with a "are you serious" face. "I'm doing fine actually! Buuuuut...I'm having a little trouble... I wrote two songs, but I don't which one to choose..." she said, very worried about her choice. She let me enter and gave me a cup of coffee with a little bit of spice in it. Just the way I like it!!! She showed me her songs, and they both looked incredible! I knew she was talented, but I never knew she was things talented! If she has lyrics, I wonder how the actual music will sound! I look at her, and back at the music sheets. I then open my mouth to speak, " Wow...these are really good songs! But you know....they never said there was a limit to how many songs you can show them. Here *handing Lucy the music sheets* Let me tell you something, there was this girl called Minerva who could sing really well, but sucked at writing songs! They weren't really good, so we couldn't accept her because she got furious, and well....we couldn't really control her much. She went a signed with Sabertooth instead, but only as a singer. I don't know how she didn't get mad like she did with us but, o well. But the point here is, she gave a lot of songs she had written. Unfortunately, as I said before, she didn't pass, but hey! That just means you don't have to worry about choosing your song! For all I know, you can give a whole freakin' song book to them! So don't worry you'll be fine!" She looked at me with inspired eyes. I found it really cute...but there's only one thing I didn't say....these were both love songs...but who are they for? "THX SO MUCH NAZUUUUUUU! YOURE THE BEEEEEES!" She said crying giving me a huge hug. I blushed so hard, but when she finally let go, I controlled it just in time, before she even noticed it. "No problem Luce! You know I'm always there for you! And I'm sure you'll pass! I just know it!" I said while giving her my signature smile.

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