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"bye yoona"
I left for school as my mom waved from the balcony.

"after a long vacation I'm not yet ready for school. I wish I could stay at home but it's not my choice anyway." I said as Lia hummed in response.

I always go walking till school since my primary. My classmate, Lia, always joined me as she is my neighbour.

We weren't great friends at school, we had small fights too often but both of us preferred  to not spoil our friendship, atleast outside the school.

As we slowly walked Lia told me about the conversation she had yesterday with a guy she met in the store, who's going to join our school this year.

I entered the class to see my bestfriends, soora and suga, standing and eagerly waiting for me. After a group hug we three sat down on the benches at the back.

"It's been so long Yoona" soora said in excitement. "I can't wait for the fun we're gonna have, I'm excited about the new students"

"Suga, where's jimin?" I asked out of nowhere as soora felt ignored.

"He should be coming anytime. He's bringing a Taehyung along" he replied with a straight face.


"Oh wow new friend! I'm so excited, I'm bored with you guys tbh" soora's excitement didn't make me want to say anything. We four have been friends for 6 years, I didn't want anyone else to intrude.

"Soora, there comes your love." Suga says in a weird tone, he's trying to get rid of her as she runs to Jimin and Taehyung who are busy in a serious discussion.

"Hi I'm soora!" She introduced as Taehyung just nodded.


"Maybe you'll find out soon." He said to jimin continuing. I wonder what they're talking about so seriously.

Soora came back running in disappointed and Suga couldn't stop laughing at her.

Taehyung sat next to Suga where jimin was supposed to sit. Jimin smiled and sat on the next bench but Suga looked at Taehyung in disgust.

I no longer thought that he will be amongst us with that sort of attitude.

After the tiring day at school I was walking back to home with jimin. Soora and suga are dating so they must be heading towards the restaurant.

Jimin and I were close friends, our families were also close. The first time I met him was in kindergarten, we've been close friends since then.

Jimin is coming home today as his parent locked the house and went to work. His dad will probably come midnight as he as a lot of work to be completed. Jimin's mom passed away three years back in an accident.

As we reached home my mom served some snacks.. after eating we both went into my room.

"Give me a minute chim I'll change first" I said as he threw himself to the bed.

I took my clothes and went into the washroom, I took a shower and wore dark blue pyjamas and a black t-shirt and came out.

"My chance gurl!" Jimin pushed me out of the way and went in. I realised he doesn't have any clothes to change into.

I went to my elder brother's room opposite to mine and borrowed clothes for chim.

Until he came back I was listening to music.

"Yoona! I.. don't have clothes!" He shouted in a commanding voice, he's ordering clothes from me.

I went closer to the bathroom door and it suddenly swung open with a jimin standing in it in my pink bath rope.

What did I just witness?

He snatched the clothes and smashed the door close before I could say anything.

After few seconds he came out in my brother's black trousers and yellow t-shirt.

Even though I had feelings for him I never confessed coz i know he never will accept a chicken like me when there are girls who look like models who Fangirl over him.

"Yoona?" He called as I was lost in thoughts.

"Ye—owwww" I yelped in pain as he threw his bag on my face.

"Hahahaha" he started giggling and I couldn't scold him, don't ask why.

"Lets go out yoona" he pulled me out of the house as my brother gave a teasing look while seeing off.

He took me to a park and made me sit on a bench, "yoona just wait here, I have a surprise for you" he smiled.

"Okay chim" I smiled back trying to hide how shocked I was as he walked away.

It's been ten minutes he didn't come back. I wonder what the surprise is that it's taking so long.

After five more minutes I couldn't help but go look for him. I looked everywhere for him and now I started tp panic.

After half an hour of searching I came home in hopes to find him at home.

To my shock the door was open but I clearly remember seeing my brother close it. The doors latch was on the floor.

Two metres inside my house I could see blood all over the floor, like someone has dragged a bleeding person.

I couldn't walk, I fell on my knees, tears escaped  my eyes as I tried to stop thinking. The horrifying thoughts I got was enough to lose my consciousness.

I followed the blood marks with a little hope left in me. Suddenly I saw the nearest door to the  main door of the house which was being banged.

I heard a person trying to talk, I immediately opened the door to see my mom and brother tied with ropes while they had a lot of wounds.

I felt so dizzy seeing all this I opened the ropes and the cloth tied to their mouths.

"" my mom struggled "j-jimin.. in y-your room"

"Yoona go see what happened I'm here with mom" brother got up and took mom to the kitchen and I was assured she'll be fine but she was panicking.

As I went to my room I realised the blood marks leaded to my room. The door was closed. I stopped. With all the courage I opened the door with closed eyes and ran it and bumped into something.

I opened my eyes to see feets. I looked up in complete horror. Jimin was dead.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was more horrifying than any horror movie to see jimin hang from the fan, dead.

"J-jimin" I stuttered not expecting a response. I saw blood dripping. I couldn't go to the other side and see his face, just imagining it is petrifying.

I took few steps back and to my left I saw his suicide note.

I was so astonished. Was this his surprise? Is this a prank?

No. It was too serious to be a prank. I read the note with blood spots all over it.

I took a minute to see the room. Jimin was hanging dead, with blood dripping. The bathroom door was closed. The balcony door was open with blood prints of hand over it. Me standing near the door of the room holding jimin's... Suicide note.

After that everything was blank, I knew I'd collapsed.

To be continued.

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