CH 9

31 6 14

Yoona's POV

You think I'm scared?" he whispered in his deep voice. "I know what you've been trying to do. You think I don't know about the plan you and Suga made!?"

"Taehyung wait. I'll tell you everything, just take this knife away." I said as firmly as I could

"TELL ME WHAT!!?" he yelled as his anger converted into tears. "THAT YOU'RE COLLECTING EVIDENCES.. against me?" his grip loosened.

"I Love you Tae, let me explain" I pleaded

"I love you too Yoona." He sniffed and let go.

"Actually—" I stopped.

I stopped because Taehyung was clenching his fist, so tight. His face turned completely red, the tears dropped from his chin on my shoe.

He held the knife tight and he cut his hand.

It was a deep cut, it bleeded.

suddenly I heard some sound. The police?

"Let me complete it," he smiled "actually—there's the police, rot in jail. That's what you tried to say, I know"

Before I could say anything, he was handcuffed and taken away.

Someone came close, I looked at the palm layed on my shoulder. Old brown hands with wrinkles and three rings.

"Miss Morley?" 

"Don't worry Yoona. Suga had told me everything, I informed the police and he'll be found no where from now onwards." She said like that's what I wanted.

I remained quite all this time.

6 hours later:

I sat on the kitchen table eating some chocolate. The silence formed a creepy environment. I'd changed into my shorts and tank top.

"Hey your main door was left open so I just came in to talk." Suga explained.

I freaked out

"Get out."

"Tch," he came and handed me Tae's bag. "Look, you also know that he deserved it. Right?"

"Yoona," he cupped my cheeks. "I understand you, very well. I also know that you felt that the plan isn't just right and taehyung doesn't need to be punished."

Listening to what he said, I wasn't really even able to express how shocked I was.

What he said was accurate, wasn't it?

I don't feel any emotions since today morning '-'

I digged his bag for the diary but to my disappointment I remembered that he'd taken it with him. He held the knife in one hand and the other was empty

A thread of panic started to rise in me. If someone found it, what would happen? Where would it be?

Nobody should see that diary, it must be in safe hands

"Lost in deep thoughts?" Suga questioned, "I told Ms. Morley that he'd tried stealing school property cyber bullied few students"

"When did he do that?" I questioned

"He didn't." Suga looked down, "I thought I shouldn't blame him just because he said something in half unconscious state ...or whatever" he looked guilty and irritated

But I don't feel that Suga has done something wrong. If I were in his place, I'd do similar things.

"at least you realised what you were doing, better late than never" I stated

His face was unreadable. I titled my head a little down to have an eye contact. The table was quite high. He was very close, his mint hair matched his eyes. Slowly it became all teary, it took a second for me to realise that because I was so lost in...his eyes??

He placed his hand on mine which was on the table, and tried his best to hold back the tears but they flooded.

"Yoona I can't take this any more" he said crying in his raspy voice. "I .. I don't know what's" he wiped his tears, "I don't what's right anymore"

I took off my hand and stood up straight. He held the table really tight with both his hands cried heavily.

It hurt me so much to see my best friend cry but I couldn't do anything presently.

"I was so.. so much into giving justice to jimin" he wasn't able catch his breath anymore.. "that i couldn't see whats right and wrong." he cried until there weren't any tears left.

I pulled him back, to stand opposite to me. It was easy, he was feeling very weak.

He looked into my eyes. His eyes looked so beautiful but this isn't what I want to see, him, crying so much is very dissatisfying.

I looked down as my eyes started letting go of the tears that I'd pressed in.

"Listen" he pulled my head up from my chin to face him. He pressed his lips against mine, it was the most unexpected behavior ever. It was salty because of the tears. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.  My hands immediately went over his shoulder and wrapped.

The thing was, my eyes were wide open all this time and his were closed.

He only pulled back to say, "please kiss me back" I don't know what worm got into me that I colsed my eyes and kissed him before he could, he seemed to calm down.

It was probably not due with experience but there was no hurry in the kiss, not wanting to do anything more. It was just as pure as could be, after some time we both pulled away.

He wasn't crying anymore, but the tears yet remained. I took off my arms and he did so too.

He remained quite and wiped all his tears.

"Sorry I know you didn't expect that" he said and drifted away in storm's speed. I saw him go from the window. He was too embarrassed.

"ring, ring" it was my phone, messages.

message from:

Chanie oppa: (yoona's brother)
How are you doing?

I'm fine.

I'm coming back tomorrow to house, dad will be there too.

Wow really? It's been so long. I'm so excited.. mom said she has some work is she going to be back by tomorrow or not?

Well I'm not sure. Mostly no, there's lot of work piled.

hmm. okay.. see you. xoxo

I'm so happy that I'll be seeing dad. Seems like there's one message I haven't read yet..

Message from

Jiminie :
Did you like my surprise? 3:45pm


Chanyeol (EXO)

5 years older than Yoona(elder brother)
working in a company


thought I'll tell this today.. guys I seriously don't know how many of you actually like reading this shitty book but if there's anything you want me to change, be free to tell me anytime.

Don't forget to comment and vote for the book Incase like it xoxo!

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