Chapter 1: I Found

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Meredith woke up to the sound of her blaring alarm. She grabbed her phone from under her pillow and pressed 'stop'. She sat up in her bed and stretched briefly as a yawn peeped from her mouth. To her surprise, her dorm mate was already off to class or hungover in someone else's room. She slipped on her house shoes and walked into her bathroom. She looked into the mirror and saw her reflection staring back at her before she splashed some cold water on her face. Then, she brushed her teeth and used the toilet. She couldn't bring herself to shower considering she had already done it the night before. She threw her dyed hair into a messy bun with one of her black velvet scrunchies. She wandered over to her closet and grabbed a pair of acid wash jeans and an AC/DC graphic tee along with her favorite pair of black vans. She pulled a pair of underwear out of her drawer and went back into her bathroom. She stripped off her dirty clothes and threw them into her hamper. She went without a bra quite frequently so she threw on her shirt without a second thought along with her underwear, jeans, socks, and shoes. She grabbed her mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss out of her drawer and applied it quickly. She was already running late and in no way looking 'picture perfect'. Hastily, she threw her backpack on her back and put her phone in her pocket darting out of the door as quick as possible.

Derek ran his fingers through his hair and put on his glasses groaning while stopping his alarm. He stumbled over to his closest and threw on a new pair of boxers and jeans. He carefully picked through his button ups before deciding on a light blue one. He grabbed a brown belt and matching shoes. He put them on hastily. He jogged to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before putting on a spritz of cologne. He ran his hand through his hair one more time before taking a leak. He washed his hands and grabbed his bag before racing out of his room.

As he got to the intersection where the dorm hallways met he felt a collision. "Shit!" The lady said stumbling almost falling over. Derek caught her before she could hit the ground. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He asked filled with genuine concern. "I'm fine, sorry for yelling," she said picking her phone off of the floor. She had dropped it during their impact. "I'm Meredith," she said stretching out her arm and shaking his hand strongly. "Meredith, I'm Derek," he said smiling awkwardly. "Oh, here," she said as she bent down to pick up his glasses. "Thanks," He said taking them from her. He placed them on and stood slightly in awe. She had the most porcelain features but hid them under a tough exterior. "Well, I gotta go," he said snapping out of his lucid trance. "I do too. You taking the elevator?" She asked. "I am," he said pressing the down button. The elevator door opened and the bell rang before they both stepped in. "What floor?" He asked. "Floor 1 I have to get to Italian," she said. "Ah, Italian. I'm going to physiology," he said with a cute smile and chuckle. She smiled and looked at her phone when she heard it ping. She rolled her eyes and put it back in her pocket. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, just my idiot ex-boyfriend," she said looking at the floor level. Before he could say anything the elevator rang and they both stepped out. "See ya round, Derek," she said waving as she walked to the left. "See ya," Derek waved back and walked in the opposite direction.

Meredith walked into the cafeteria and ordered a Caesar salad with Catalina and ranch. She sat down at a table alone. She lost all of her friends over drama caused by her crazy ex. She ate her salad quietly until a familiar face sat down in front of her. "Hey," Derek said with a quirky smile. "Oh, hey," she said grinning. "Why is a pretty little lady like you sitting all alone?" He asked. He was very charming despite his eccentric sense of style. "Because this 'pretty little lady' likes to sit alone," she lied. "Well, I feel you. I always sit alone," he said taking a bite of kale. "Are you busy tonight?" She asked out of the blue. "No, why?" He asked. "I was wondering if you would like to go to a party with me tonight and uhh act like you're my boyfriend..." she said with a cheeky grin. "Sure, why the hell not," he said. "Well come over to my place around 7:30 and I'll fix...that," she said gesturing her hand to his outfit. "I happen to like 'that'" he said mimicking her motions. "Well just think of it as a new window for your style," she said taking a drink of her water. "Okay, well I guess you've got a deal," he said nodding. "Fuck, I've gotta go to class now. Bye, Derek," she said standing up shoveling her food into her mouth. "Bye, Meredith," He said smiling and giving her a simple nod. She nodded back. It was a date...kinda.

Later that evening Meredith heard a knock at her door. She ran over and answered it quickly. "You're late," she said grabbing him by the collar and pulling him into the room. "I'm sorry, I-i got lost," he said stuttering. He was taken back by her attire and dramatic makeup. She was wearing black denim pants with rips from her ankles to the top of her thighs with a tight baby blue halter top. "Take off your pants," she demanded as they made it into her bedroom. "Excuse me?!" He exclaimed. "Oh, don't worry princess I'm not interested in your penis. You're dressed like a 60 year old grandpa," she said. Embarrassed, he pulled off his pants revealing his very tight boxer shorts. Her eyes widened but she was sure to not draw attention to it. "Uh, here put these on," she said handing him a pair of jeans. "And put on this top. I'm sure you look good in blue," she said throwing a light blue button up at him. He quickly put on the clothes he had acquired. "Come with me," she said drawing him with her finger. She lead him into the bathroom. "Thanks for wearing contacts," she said as she rummaged through her drawers. He simply smiled and nodded. "Ah, found it!" She said excitedly as she pulled out a can of hair mousse. She put some on her hands and applied it evenly throughout his hair taming his wild curls. "Well...I'm proud of myself. You actually clean up very well," she said with a smile. "Give me a wipe," he said. "What?" She asked. "A makeup wipe? I'm sure you have one," he said. "Why do you need a makeup wipe?" She asked placing a hand on her hip. "Trust me," He said. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a makeup wipe out of a blue wipe container. "Now what are you gonna do with it?" She asked. "Close your eyes and I'll show you," He said. "Whatever," She said covering her eyes. "Don't cover them just close them," he said. "Ugh," she replied rolling her eyes before closing them. He quickly but gently wiped off some of the eyeshadow off of her right eye. "What the fuck?!" She yelled. "I spent like 30 minutes on that!" She exclaimed. "You don't need it. It takes away from your gorgeous green eyes," he said. She blushed but kept on an angry face. "I don't care about my 'gorgeous green eyes'. I care about my fucking makeup and now I don't have time to fix it," she said wiping off the rest of her face leaving only her mascara. "Good, you look better without it," he said with a charming smirk. "I-oh whatever let's go," she said angrily throwing the used wipe into the trash can. She dragged him out of the bathroom and eventually into her car.

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