Chapter 2: The Night Is Still Young

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"Are you ready?" Meredith asked as she threw on some light pink lipgloss. "As ready as I'll ever be," Derek said running a hand through his curly trundles. He got out of the car and walked over to Meredith's side. He opened the door and helped her out of it grabbing her hand gently. "Thanks," She said. "Welcome," he replied. Their eyes lingered into each other for a long second before they both snapped back into the moment.

They both walked into the party. The music and the people were so loud you could barely hear yourself think. "What do we do?" Derek asked. "Well pretty boy, we drink and we dance. Oh, and we act like idiots," she said grabbing two red cups full of vodka. "Here," She said handing him a cup. "Oh, no thank you. I don't drink it's death to your liver," he said shaking his head and holding up his hand. "Come on, live a little," She said rolling her eyes. He shook his head and accepted the drink. It went down smoothly at first but then he felt his throat burn. "Woah," he said coughing slightly. "Haha, you're such a lightweight," she said taking a huge gulp. "Come on, lets dance baby boy," she said pulling his hand and taking him into the large crowd of people dancing. "I don't dance," he said taking another measly sip. "Just follow my lead! Go with your gut," she said loudly. He started off slow but eventually got the hang of it. They danced against each other face to face smiling. Their groove was quickly interrupted by a small group of people.

"Who's this?" One of the girls asked. Meredith turned towards them. "This is my new boyfriend, Derek," Meredith said. Derek turned towards them. "Hi, ni-" Meredith stomped on his foot. "Shut up," she mumbled. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure you got a boyfriend that quickly whore," the girl said sarcastically. "I did and I'm not a whore, Sadie," she rolled her eyes. "Uh huh, prove it," Sadie said. She thought fast and pulled Derek to her kissing him hard. He kissed her back tense at first but eased when he let himself get into it. She surprised him by slipping her tongue between his lips and begging to make out with him. She pulled away and smirked at her ex-group of friends. "What? I would suck his dick for you but I'm not so sure he'd be ok showing off to everyone in this room," she said crossing her arms. Wide-eyed, he cleared his throat and peered at the floor. "Whatever," One of the other girls scoffed. Meredith smirked as they walked away assumingly pleased with herself.

"Sorry about that. Where were we?" she said turning back to him with a smile. "Dancing," He said shocked that she could be so casual about such an amazing kiss. Maybe she just didn't feel the connection or simply didn't care. "Oh, yeah," she said. She turned her back and danced up against him. He slid his hands over her hips as she swayed. He had no idea what to do or what he was doing but he went with it. She put a hand behind her head and ran her fingers through his hair. Then she turned her head and looked up at him smiling. He smiled back at her. She turned her body around all the way in front of him. "Let's go get another drink," she said taking his hand. He smiled and nodded. They both took their cups and filled them with the punch. "Mmm, this is good," Derek said taking a drink. "Yup, this place always has the best punch. I think Ash makes it," She said taking a gulp. They both headed out onto the back porch to get some air.

"Are you having fun?" She asked as they sat down on the swing. "Yeah, I'm actually having a great time. Thanks for bringing me," he replied smiling over to her. "No problem," she said with a smile. She let out a big yawn and wrapped her arms around herself shivering slightly. "Are you cold?" He asked. "Yeah, a little," She replied. "Here," he said draping his jacket over her shoulders. "Thanks," She said bundling up. She rested her head on his shoulder gently. "Are you tired?" He asked. "Just a little," she responded. "Come on, let's go back to the dorms," he said standing up. She nodded and stood up quickly losing her balance but Derek prevented her from falling. He locked arms with her while they walked to the car. "I'll drive, give me your keys," he said. "Here," She said handing him her keys. He unlocked the car and helped her in before driving them both home.

Meredith stumbled through the front door of Derek's dorm room. "I'll take you to your room in a minute I just needed to check on something," he said looking around. He just wanted to see if his roommate was back before he had to put up with him. "Okay, we're all clear," he said with a smile. "Can I just crash here? I don't feel like walking all the way to my room," she said with a cute little yawn as her nose scrunched slightly. How could he say no to someone like her? She was edgy but also adorable. "Sure, do you want the bed or the couch?" He asked. "Couch," She said taking off her shoes and plopping down on the couch. "Thanks," She said. "Welcome," he said walking to his linen closet. He grabbed an extra pillow and blanket and brought it to her. "Oh, you didn't have to do that," she said smiling and shaking her head as she took the items from him. "It's my pleasure," he said. She smiled simply. "Goodnight, Meredith," He said. "Goodnight, Derek," she replied.

Derek woke up the next morning thankful that it was finally the weekend. He climbed out of bed and walked into the small living room completely forgetting the fact that Meredith was still there. "Good morning," she said slipping her pants on. "Morning," he said staring at her. "Sorry, your room was like 80 degrees last night," she said running her fingers through her hair. "So, get hot too," she said nodding awkwardly. He only had on a pair of plaid boxer shorts. "Yeah, yeah," he said walking into the tiny makeshift kitchen. "Want something to eat?" He asked sifting through the mini fridge. "Nah, do you have any milk?" She asked. "Yeah," He said pulling the half-gallon out of the fridge. He poured her a cup and handed it to her. "Thanks," She said taking a large gulp. "Welcome," He said grabbing a box of rice Chex. He grabbed the skim milk out of the fridge and poured a bowl of cereal.

"So, are you some kind of health nut?" She giggled taking another sip of her milk. "No...maybe," he said grinning. "Mhm," She said teasingly. "Would you like to go get coffee tomorrow morning...let's say...11 at the campus Starbucks?" She asking persuading voice. "Sure, why?" He asked confused on why someone like her would want to get coffee with someone like him. "Because I want to get to know my fake boyfriend a little better," she said innocently batting her eyelashes. "Oh, I thought that was just a one-night thing..." he said teasing her back. "Who knows, I may need you again," she said taking the last sip of her milk. "Is that right?" He said sitting beside her at the table. She simply nodded her head while tilting it slightly. "I guess I can oblige," he said fiddling with his spoon. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow," she said standing up smiling. She placed her cup in the sink and walked out of the front door. "See ya!" He yelled waving. "Yes you will," She said with a smirk as she closed the door. He could hardly wait.

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