First Date

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Somehow, he was able to invite you out to get coffee jelly. Cathy said that she wanted to get some and try it, but we never had the chance. So now I know what coffee jelly tastes like, and now I can see why he likes it so much.


There was a online MMO convention in town, so that's what the two of you went to. Both of you dressed up as your characters, looking cool as all hell. The two of you nerded out and play fought other players, looking like a group of idiots.


When he asked you out, he had no idea what to for a first date. So you took in charge and took him to a motor cycle race, he totally agreed. The two of us had fun, eating snacks and watching the race.


You where the one that asked him out, he thought it was the best idea. You wanted to take him to something you both might enjoy, so a physic fair. Cathy was spotted there a few times, but she'd giggle and run off.


You let him choose the date, which you think ended well? You're not quite sure. But at least the date went well. He tool you to a classic sumo wrestling match. It smelt really bad, but spending time with Hairo took your mind off it fast.

This'll be the last chapter I post today, just so I can send this to my friend and get feedback from her. But don't worry, the next scenario will come out tomorrow!

The Disastrous Life of Saiki.K Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now