Ends lead to beginings

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(A/N)- So this is my first time uploading something, there might be mistakes so please bear with me and please give suggestions to make my writing better



(Y/N)- Your Name

Age- 30

An exceptionally brilliant soldier, who has a degree in psychology and was his unit's therapist/counselor up until they got slaughtered by White Mask operatives up in the Himalyas, struck with grief of not being able to save his teammates he slowly and eventually started losing his mind he was discharged for being unfit for duty but a few months later he went dark and cut off contacts from everyone as his teammates were the last family he had after his family was killed in a suicide bombing incident.
2 years later U.N forces captured him in Belgium, in a building as one of the officers described a "slaughter house" as there were White Masks bodies strewn all over and torn apart looking like something ate part of their insides.


(Y/N) sat on the chair in the interrogation room and looked at the two way mirror and gave the most devious grin, he knew they were watching him, he just didn't know who?.

'You sure you want him for your programme??' 'yes, he is the perfect candidate' and the person proceeded to enter the room. (Y/N) watched as the door was opened by a dark skinned woman probably African American, she wore a suit and had a couple of files in her hand, but she didn't look like a desk worker something about her said that she had field experience and was some high ranking individual.

'Well, well fancy seeing you here' she said while taking a seat opposite to him and she set the files down on the table and put her hand together and said, ' Your abilities Mr (Y/N) are quite impressive I must say, you're quite the expert in your field of work' 'And what would that be??' he asked while smiling deviously, the woman flipped through the many files and looked at him and said, 'In my opinion it would mostly be psychological warfare, but you also have quite the reputation among the cutthroats of this world's she said showing him a picture of his "work".

While most would throw up or feel sick this woman was quite the exception she managed to be stone cold and unmoved by the sight, (Y/N) was impressed, in his opinion anyone who could stand the sight of his work was in his opinion worthy of his respect,'Alright you have impressed me and I might as well listen to what you have to say' 'I believe you have heard of the recent bombings on Bartlett University' (Y/N) was no fool living under a rock he had heard about it, those White Masked bastards killing innocent students using gas, 'Perhaps, why should it concern me??' 'You have more beef with these people than in a Burger King burger, and more importantly....' she leaned closer to him while smirking, 'They fear you'

(Y/N) was more intrigued, and laughed silently cause it was true those White Mask bastards did fear him all the things he did to their operatives and associates 'Alright so what are you proposing??' he asked while silently laughing, then the woman took out a sheet of paper and carefully placed it on the table with a pen and said 'I want you to join team Rainbow ' (Y/N) looked at the paper and thought about it and was interrupted by the woman saying, 'It will get you out of this shithole and all the things you did and might do while over the course of your stay on the team will be forgiven and you can go back to a normal life once everything is done'

'I assume you know of my certain "taste" for the butchery???' she simply nodded and replied, 'I believe pschological warfare is as important as physcal damage to the organization, and your little acts of brutality here and there should keep them awake at night and constantly checking under their beds and closests' (Y/N) chuckled 'I like the way you think, alright I will join on the one condition that I get to continue to employ my methods'

'Deal' the woman said extending her hand out (Y/N) took it and they shook their hands (Y/N) thought to himself devious minds do think alike. After he finished filling up the form he chuckled again and asked,'You never told me why you want a freak like me?' after a moment of silence she replied, 'The world needs heros to save the innocents,but...' she leaned in closer to him, he felt her breathing on to his face she continued while staring at him with dropdead seriousness, 'We need monsters to keep the bad ones in check' saying that she got up turned back opened the door and turned back saying, 'By the way the name is Six, and welcome to Rainbow'.

For (Y/N) this was the end of his self proclaimed extermination drive on the White Masks and an emphatic announcement to his new beginning as Rainbow's new Monster, he thought of a code name for himself trying to think of something that rolls off the tongue nicely, frightening and cool at the same time, after some thinking he came to a conclusion thinking why not be what they fear me to be?? I will be the scourge of theirs, The Cannibal.


(A/N)- phew!! First chapter done and what do you guys think leave comments down below and I'll try to upload as regular as possible.

I'll be creeping around if u need me

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