Friend or Foe??

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The plane had landed on the tarmac, Doc was standing there waiting for his rather dark and mysterious patient. A truck with a water hose made it's way towards the plane, Doc was rather confused as there was no evidence of any fire on the plane. The ramp slowly opened and Doc immediately knew why the truck was there he was lucky that he had grown used to the sight of blood as both a doctor and a soldier over the years. As the ramp opened he could see body bags piled up on one side and most of the inside being stained with blood.

Cannibal came out with another man who appeared to have badly injured his left arm very recently, from the man's fatigues one could clearly say that he was a pilot.

Cannibal: Doc over here! My pilot needs medical attention.

Cannibal himself looked worse, and the fact that he was completely covered in blood didn't help him a lot either.

Doc: By Christ!! What the hell happened ?

Cannibal: A quick checkup about Intel and rescue mission deep in Lithuania, and I ended up finding a rather large encampment, well this man here and a few of his friends were stuck in said camp. Turns out he was a pilot and I didn't have to call in for an extraction.

Doc: Anyway you said he had friends what about them? Are they injured or worse??

Cannibal: They're still in the plane most of them are too severely injured to move without a stretcher, where's that ambu.. oh here it comes.

An ambulance arrived on the scene and the medical personal rushed in with stretchers and in a few minutes carefully carried their patients back to the ambulance.

Cannibal: Hey buddy before you start cleaning the plane how about a quick spray here, but mind the pressure.

Hearing the request the hose's operator was a bit confused and wrinkled up his face but did comply seeing as the man was really, badly, and completely covered in blood. And after a minute or two of rinsing him with water at that pressure he was clean and presentable enough.

Doc: Are you hurt anywhere?, though I believe I don't need to ask that question for a person who risks himself like you.

Cannibal: Thank you for your concern Doc, and yes I've been hit in quite a few places and would require a few stiches and a few bullets are stuck and I feel you will have to but pull them out. And could you do it in the briefing room I need to update the team.

Doc: Dieu aide moi, what am I going to do ??

Doc and cannibal walked into the base, Doc with his medical bag entered the briefing room and was surprised that Cannibal was not there, so he waited for a few minutes and was thinking about the man's unique body when the doors opened and in walked the whole team. Cannibal ttok off his shirt, with Doc and a few others showing signs of worry and sat down on the table while Doc started his work.

Cannibal: okay team, quick report on what I saw in my last raid, well the people I brought back were apparently from the Sovereign military Order of Malta, or The knights of Saint John and since they are a sovereign we can't touch them. What I wanted to show you is these.

With that he reached for a remote behind him and switched the projector on much to the annoyance of Gustave, the projector showed pictures, diagrams, schematics of what seemed to be a human being but with loads and loads of what one could call upgrades.

Bandit: And what exactly are you showing us ??

Cannibal: These seem to be plans for some super soldier programme of sorts, and it turns out the White Masks are a lot more closer to it then we think.

Thatcher: Are you saying the damned bastards are gonna have bunch of John Wicks running around??

Cannibal : More or less yes. But any way in the recent months as I have seen a significant people working in the geneology or whatever we called it.

Doc: Genetics..( while pulling out another bullet)

Cannibal: Thank you, as I was saying in the recent months several scientists working in the field of genetics have all been reported missing and the camp that I infiltrated was a source for resources.

Monika: So when do we take the fight to them?

Cannibal: Right after Gustave finishes patching me up and I finish a few errands which will be approximately an hour after this briefing, oh and by the way I need all of you to contact anyone you know in your native country's intelligence department and identify this man ( he inserted a small file after he reached for it in his pockets again to the annoyance of Gustave)

He played a clip on the screen, it showed a man fighting a bunch of White Masks with what appeared to be a longsword or a Claymore but what does anyone on Rainbow know about European swords. The man appeared not to be more older than in his 30's, he had a beard and messy brown hair and wore some sort of armour which according to the clip seemed to be bulletproof. Then he clicked on the remote again and it showed his face clearly.

Then he clicked it again to show his full body

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Then he clicked it again to show his full body

Cannibal: I asked those prisioners about it but they said they were sworn not to disclose the information, but what they could tell me is that he was the very reason they tried to infiltrate the camp and failed and got captured

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Cannibal: I asked those prisioners about it but they said they were sworn not to disclose the information, but what they could tell me is that he was the very reason they tried to infiltrate the camp and failed and got captured.

Everyone was clearly confused as the events took a quick turn and free all down and deeper into the rabbit hole.

Cannibal: I saw a plan in what seemed to be a command centre at the base and found a plan, there were lists of killers they had hired to kill him most of whom had failed, he seems to be an annoyance to them and the enemy of my enemy is my friend so I believe we must seek him out.

Doc: All done, but please be more careful next time( as he helps him put his shirt on)

Cannibal: I need all the operators on this next mission, the camp were going to hit according to Intel I gathered has well over 500 trained and equiped masks and hostiles from several other terrorist cells ( gets up and leaves)

Valkyrie: Should he be going on a mission with those wounds??

Doc: He.... Um how do I put this so it won't sound ridiculous....he has advanced healing much faster than ours..

Everyone looked at Doc confused, he knew he had a lot of explaining to do.


(A/N)- sorry but as exams are like only two weeks away this might be the last update for quite a while, what can I say being a student sucks. And all those who know who that dude is let me know in the comments... Peace out!!

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