Queen Goldy-Locks - Part 1

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Chapter 5

Zack and Goldy-Locks didn't know what to do, except to disguise themselves or tell a lie to enter the kingdom.
"Stand still Madame," whispered Zack to Goldy-Locks
"My name is Goldy-Locks, not madame," Goldy-Locks whispered back to Zack.
"I don't care what kind of locks you have, just shhhh and stand still," Zack whispered in frustration, as he thought of an idea.
"Erhemm," Zack cleared his throat, as walked over to the guards at the kingdom's gate. "I have here with me, a maiden who can spin wool into gold. Thus it would be an honor for me to present her to the King." The guards looked at him as if they were disgusted by his presence, but suddenly, with excitement, they cheered,
"YEAH! Zack the giant killer is here!"
"Who you?" Giggled Goldy-Locks.
"Don't you know that a small axe can cut down big trees?" Zack whispered.
They lifted him up and soon the attention of a large crowd was drawn. Even Goldy-Locks was being celebrated. News went to the king and he ordered the guards to bring Zack and Goldy-Locks to him. The king then introduced himself to be King Redhair. There at the King's table Goldy-Locks and Zack feasted. However, as soon as they were finished, King Redhair ordered that Goldy-Locks be locked in a room fill with wool and spindle to spin the straws into gold and if she could, she would be his wife, but if she couldn't, she would DIE! Both Goldy-Locks and Zack became shocked, especially Zack, as he knew that Goldy-Locks couldn't spin wool into gold. But Goldy-Locks was still brought in the room. Poor her. She didn't knew what to do. She just sat and look at the room full of wool. Uncomfortably, Zack sat out there, pretending to be merry, eating and drinking, as well as partying with the king and his men.
As night drew, and darkness overshadowed, Goldy-Locks grew scarier and scarier, until suddenly, an imp-like creature appeared to Goldy-Locks, and said in a wheezy voice,
"You know I can spin those straws into gold for you." Goldy-Locks then quickly dried her tears and she asked redundantly,
"Can you?"
"Yes I can," the imp-like creature answered. "Only of you pay me."
"Sure I will give you anything if you spin these straws into gold for me," Goldy-Locks said, "just tell me what you want."
"Anything..." The imp sneered.
"Yes...yes-yes anything," Goldy-Locks said, even though she didn't had much.
"Give me your necklace then," the imp said.
"I-I , I can't," Goldy-Locks stuttered. "Its my mother's necklace...and...its for her remembrance."
"Remember your words madame," the imp said.
"OK," Goldy-Locks said, "just spin these straws."
Then within a split second, the straws were magically spun into gold, and although Goldy-Locks didn't want to give him her mother's necklace, she automatically did as she was too glad and was in favor for her life.
The next morning King Redhair along with Zack, came and surprisingly saw how she did.
"See I told you my King," Zack said with a happy and relieved smile. "She can spin wool into gold."
"Yes, she can King Redhair said. "And so you know what that means?"
"No!" Zack and Goldy-Locks said simultaneously. Then with a hopeful positive guess, Jack quickly said, "she'll be your queen!"
"Absolutely," King Redhair said. "NOT, instead I want her locked in the room again tonight to spin me more golds." Goldy-Locks and Zack were so shocked. And when the king walked off Goldy-Locks cried and cursed Zack.


Now, the lived happily expecting the unexpected.

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