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              For the past few nights I haven't been able to sleep . Here it is 6AM and My Alarm will be going off in thirty minutes. I might as well go ahead and get dressed. Just as I was putting on my shoes my mom knocked on my door . "Come in". I said. "Morning, I'm heading out to take Kaila to school and go on to work . You sure you got a ride"? I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the door to follow her downstairs. I responded "Yeah, Jewel's coming to get me her mom finally gave her back her car keys. She just texted me and said she's outside so ima' follow you out". I waived bye to my little sister as my mom backed out of the driveway. My little sister means the world to me , granted she's only four but we're as close as can be. People always say we look alike. Of course, we have the same parents. 

             My dad served in the U.S. Marines but shortly after Kaila was born he got deployed and never returned, he got killed in the line of battle. My mom was devastated but she pretended to be strong in front of us. "Q, you okay"? Jewel asked snatching me out of my thoughts. I smiled and replied "Yeah. I'm fine Just was thinking". I looked her over she was so beautiful. Jewel was my bestfriend since fourth grade & she's always had this long beautiful reddish brown hair and these almond shaped hazel eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. Not to mention her honey colored skin that was silky soft matching her plump pink lips and a smile that complimented her entire personality. And of course she would always dress nicely. I probably sound like I like her right about now BUT that's not the case. I'm Gay . Long story on that . 

             As we pulled up into the school parking lot Jewel started telling me about her boyfriend, Ryan. "So guess what I found in Ryan's phone last night...Amber's phone number. they were texting and she was telling him to leave me because we been together three years and everyone knows we haven't had sex yet. He texted her back and told her that she's right. When she told me that I felt so much anger rush through me. Because Jewel was any mans dream. We're both seventeen, just two months apart, and so what WE haven't lost our virginity. I'm not sure what Jewel is waiting on but Me, I just want to make sure once I lose it that it's to someone that I will spend the rest of my life with... but that's a fantasy for everyone I guess. "Are you fucking serious? first off he's talking to Amber and everyone knows she's the biggest hoe in Atlanta! What did you even say after you read the messages"? I asked Jewel. We both grabbed our backpacks and headed into the school. Jewel was smiling so I was unsure and scared about what she was about to tell me she did. "I threw him his phone and told him Amber can have him and that He and I were done". I looked at her as we grabbed our books for first period out of our lockers. I couldn't believe she actually left him. Felt as if they had been together forever.

         " You really broke up with him? Did he chase after you or anything"? she gave me this 'you know damn well' look and we both laughed then she said "Nah he didn't chase after me. Hasn't called me or texted me. That's how I know he didn't really care about me or love me. I'm good though. Amber ain't shit compared to me. I know my worth and some man will too one day". "shid I heard that"! I Replied as we walked into class laughing to ourselves.

             As soon as we walked into the classroom I noticed we had a new student and He was extremely handsome but of course, I didn't know if He was interested in guys or not. Throughout class Jewel and I were texting back and forth about him. She thought he was cute too. So we agreed if he's straight he's hers. If he's gay I'd ATTEMPT to talk to him. I have a hard time talking to new people which is why Jewel has been my only friend for years. I mean, I have associates but She's the only person I would call a true friend. 

          The bell had rang for us to go to our next class. Jewel and I didn't have our next class together so she went ahead to her next class and I headed to my locker and just my damn luck the new guy's locker is three lockers down from mine. He was having trouble with his combination but I pretended to not see him.Once I had closed my locker he stopped me before I walked away. Shit. I thought. "Hey bro, you think you can help me unlock my locker? I've tried it like five times and I know I'm not stupid". I chuckled a little trying to avoid looking at him too long. " Yeah I gotcha' man. these lockers old as hell so you gotta force your way into them sometimes". We both laughed and shook our heads then I tried getting into the locker about four times but I couldn't get it so I asked him did he have the right locker number.He looked down at a piece of paper in the front of his binder then smiled and said "Man my bad, It says locker 426 not 429". We both laughed as the late bell rang.

           "I gotta get to class. Nice to meet you bro".  I said walking away. " Aye, you could have at least told me your name"! He shouted. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear turning around to say "It's Quincy". Before turning back around to head to class I caught a glimpse of his smile and it was gorgeous! I was finally outside of my class but before I walked in I sent Jewel a Text and said Bitch new guy is mine. I'll fill you in later lol.


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