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        I was now three months pregnant and not to mention my birthday was in a week which means in one week I can tell my parents about my pregnancy. I haven't heard anything from Vedoe and his crew since The day he came to my school, but trust me my guard was always up. Quincy told me what he did to him and I was so damn heated but I couldn't do anything but pretend not to know for the sake of Mrs. Dixon, Kaila and Quincy. After I got finished getting dressed for school I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I no longer picked Quincy up for school being that He and Todd were becoming more of an item by the minute, well that is, after Todd apologized and explained the whole Nia situation. As for Nia, Todd finally told her that he's gay and they decided to be friends.. actually we all were.

          Since my birthday was in a week I honestly didn't care who at school knew I was pregnant So Today I wore a cream colored sweater with some white jeans and my knee high brown boots to match. My sweater definitely showed off my stomach so I was ready for the side eyes, whispers ,questions, and possible rude comments I was sure to get today. "Uh Jewel, what's that"? Nyla said being the first one to notice my stretching belly. I smiled and approached my locker as she followed. For some reason I felt comfort talking to Nyla about being pregnant because she had mentioned she had a one year old son. "My babies. I couldn't hide them any longer". I said smiling really hard. I felt... Happy. To finally be able to tell people about my babies brought me joy inside and out. Nyla arched an eyebrow and replied "Babies"??? I shook my head and said "Yes, I'm having triplets". Nyla gave a look of awe and touched my belly and said "Congratulations Jewel! I'm so happy for you. When they get here make sure they know I'm Auntie cause I'm here to stay now, period. Plus it's going to be three of them so you should need all the help you can get". We laughed and Quincy walked up to the lockers. "I know damn well you seen me text yo' giraffe neck ass Q". I said as I nudged Quincy's shoulders. He started putting in his combination and said "Man you already know why I didn't reply". then he laughed and Me and Nyla looked at each other and said "Todd" in unison. After retrieving his classroom essentials from his lockers Q turned to me noticing my outfit. He smiled and gave me a hug in which i returned. "I'm so glad you finally letting people know you're a mommy to be". He stated.

Before I could reply The bell rang so we all headed to our first class of the day. Of course Quincy made his permanent seat in class next to Todd. I noticed that the more he hung out with him the more I felt alone, but I'm not one to get in the way of anyone's happiness. Today we had a test in class over the many powerpoints we review. I got to question number six before I heard an announcement over the intercom. "THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THERE ARE ACTIVE SHOOTERS IN THE BUILDING! TEACHERS PLEASE GET ALL STUDENTS TO SAFET-". Principal Newman tried to say before being shot. We heard the gunshot over the intercom and then someone turned it off. My heart immediately started racing and taking a look around the class so did everyone else's because chatter began to cloud the room, which was stupid being that we are trying to avoid the attention of the shooters. "Jewel, get to the back closet. Todd and I will sit in the back of the room on the floor. It's still an open space in the closet". I listened to what Quincy said and started praying. I was scared but My best friend always made me feel safe. It had been about ten minutes and Miss Woo was able to get everyone to a safe part of the room where no one could be seen including herself and she ensured the light was off and the door was locked. i could still see through the window on the door, thankfully.

Just As I started to calm down because I heard police sirens,I heard the classroom door get kicked in. I peeked through the door and saw the lights get turned on. "JEWEL MERCER! WHERE THE FUCK SHE AT"?! One of the gunman asked pointing a gun to Miss. Woo's head. Miss Woo instantly started crying and replied back in her thick accent "I dunno' who talk abou'. I no have no student with tha' name". The gunman just straight up shot Miss Woo in the middle of her forehead. Blood splattered everywhere. Everyone in the classroom screamed, including me. "I ONLY ASK ONE TIME AND I GIVE NO FUCKIN' WARNINGS. SHE WAS MY FIRST EXAMPLE. NOW IMA' ASK AGAIN, JEWEL MERCER, WHERE IS SHE"? The gunman stated now pointing the gun at one of my classmates Ashanti. I couldn't just stand there and allow this man, who I knew has some connection to Vedoe, continue killing innocent individuals because of me. Tears streaming down my face I stepped out of the closet and said "I'm right here". Everyone's eyes shot towards me, including Quincy's who were pleading for me not to take anymore steps towards the gunman ,but I did anyway. The gunman approached me and Snatched me by my hair causing me to scream. No one attempted to save me out of fear they'd lose their own life.

The gunman pulled me into the hallway where we were met with a police officer. "Look I can't keep my men out long but I can do what I can, alright"? The officer said. Didn't take me long to figure out he was apart of whatever was going on. The gunman snatched me along the schools hallway and into the now empty band room. I assumed He had told everyone to leave considering i didn't see any bodies. He pushed me onto a stool and as he did, six other gunman entered along with a woman. She resembled Gabrielle Union, but meaner. She was holding a pistol and wearing a black pant suit. Black meant business. I dried my face of my tears and sat up straight to listen to whatever she had to say because she just gave the image that she was in charge. "Hello Jewel. Do you know who I am"? I cleared my throat and replied "No, Am I suppose to"? She chuckled as if something were actually funny and then stated "Look at you, you're a half breed I couldn't expect for you to know your own mother". I looked at her as if she were insane. She definitely could not be my mother.. I mean look at her and look at me. "My mother? I think you've made a mistake". I replied in confusion. She sat for a minute then filled the room with a laugh, me and the gunmen just watched her. "Honey, I've had two children. I think I remember having yo' pale ass and my fat ass son. Jewel I am your birth mother. I can prove it". She reached into her handbag she was carrying and pulled out a folded piece of paper it had a historic texture to it.

After unfolding the paper She handed me I saw it was my birth certificate and I read until I saw where it said 'Mother' TERESA FRANKLIN. I was speechless. I never thought about meeting my birth mom nor cared about meeting her. Now here she was right in front of me but, why the guns? the killings? the abduction? I looked up from my birth certificate and asked "If you're my birth mom, why this"? I said looking at all the gunmen standing around. Teresa snatched the birth certificate from me and sat down next to me on a stool too. "Because you fuckin' my man and I heard you're pregnant by him too. You think i wasn't gone come get yo' ass? The only reason you ain't dead right now is because I wanted to see the type of hoe i birthed". I got so angry I lunged off of my stool causing the gunmen to aim their weapons at me. Teresa waved her hand motioning them to lower their weapons. I stood in front of her as she smiled devilishly. "First thing first I'm not a Hoe! And secondly I've only fucked one man and-". Before I could finish my sentence I noticed someone walking in. I looked up and came face to face with no other than Vedoe . Teresa stood from the stool she was sitting on and went to stand next to Vedoe. "As I said, you were fucking my man". I was baffled. I have questions flowing from left to right in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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