Chapter 3: A Stranger's Handkerchief

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Chapter 3 – A Stranger’s Handkerchief

“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be crying on such a happy occasion.” A husky voice told me and I merely snorted, the action itself had caused my snot from my nose to graze down my throat. The salty taste of it was disgusting.

A hand had reached out to me, offering me a handkerchief. I grabbed it, seeing that I had no other alternative, and blew my nose shamelessly on the stranger’s handkerchief. I spat the phlegm forming in the back of my mind and wiped my mouth with the handkerchief.

When I looked up to thank him, I began to regret my unrefined actions. Crimson started to creep on my face in embarrassment, for I had just humiliated myself in front of a gorgeous man.

The man in front of me had jet black hair that reached just above his shoulders, tall with a muscular build and he was dark-skinned. Whether it was his natural skin colour or tanned from the harsh rays of the sun, I couldn’t tell. The dark colour of his hair and skin had brought out the colour of his eyes even more; they were the same shade as emeralds.

Without thinking, I released the handkerchief from my nose and motioned it forward at him. I couldn’t believe I was giving a hot stranger his handkerchief back, one dripping with my snot. I cringed when I realised what I was doing, and timidly pulled back my hand, shoving the handkerchief in the pocket of my dress.

“On second thought, I think I should wash it first.” I told him meekly, a feeble attempt at diverting his attention from my utterly humiliating actions.

“You can keep it.” He told me as his eyes lit up with amusement. Well, at least he was gentleman enough not to call me disgusting.

“Thanks.” I mumbled under my breath, all the while staring at my feet. I couldn’t bring myself to look him straight in the eye after what just happened. It was the first time I felt like this around a man. Is this what they call crushing on someone hot? Do not be mistaken, I am not the conservative type. With the parents that I have, it would be a miracle if I turned out to be Virgin Mary. I just wasn’t interested in men, until now.

The first time you have a crush on a stranger, at nineteen years old, it leaves you tongue-tied, like it was happening to me. I didn’t know what to do, or say.

“My name is Jonah.” He reached out his hand to shake mine as he introduced himself. I rubbed my right hand clean against my dress before reaching out for the friendly handshake.

“I’m Lenushka. That’s a mouthful, I know. So it’s fine if you call me Nushka. It sounds weird, but calling me with a two-syllable name is better than three. It’ll be a lot easier for you. But of course, it’s all up to you, whichever you prefer. I don’t know why my mother had to name me such a long name, when hers was just a two-syllable name. But I think it’s understandable, since my dad has a really long name too…” I trailed off when it dawned upon me that I was saying too much when I was just supposed to say my bloody name.

Now I wish I had mingled more with people my age, or had purchased a ‘How not to embarrass yourself in front of a hot stranger’ book. Where the hell can I get that book?

“I prefer calling you Lenushka. It’s pleasant to the ears.” Jonah simply said as he gave me a wink. I pulled my hands away from him, realising that my hands were shaking. Was I too nervous? I am definitely not acting like my usual self around this man.

“I’m from the city of Yuri.” He told me. Of course if he was from around here, such eye candy would never miss my eyes. “The festival is quite interesting. Reqah is such an interesting figure for a god.”

“But they really never mentioned whether Reqah was female or male.” I added thoughtlessly, now fully at ease with him. I was surprised with the sudden change in myself. One moment, I was tongue-tied, and the next, I was speaking to him like I had known him forever.

“And that’s what you’re concerned with.” He laughed that same laugh again.

“It never occurred to you why the woman riding Reqah in every statue is faceless? Because that’s what I thought of first when I laid my eyes on the statue when I first entered Silaz. Though I’ve read it in books, I was still surprised that the woman is indeed faceless.”

“What can I say? I have a very shallow mind.” I replied him, not ashamed of admitting that my mind was painfully simplistic. In other words, I just admitted to Jonah that I am dumb, not in the least bit embarrassed. What has this man reduced me to in this brief exchange we were having?

“In my city, we worship the god Enid, a mermaid.” He told me, it wasn’t like I was oblivious to such information in my own country. I did my fair share of reading too. Maybe Jonah really thinks that I really am stupid.

“Well, at least you people know she’s female. She has a pair of enormous boobs. Clear cut female. No questions asked.” I quipped in, for the sake of proving to him that I did know about their god.

“You’re mistaken. Enid has a penis underneath that meaty tail.” Jonah told me with a serious expression. I looked at him aghast. Enid was a transsexual mermaid, and I didn’t know about that? Maybe I really am dumb. I should definitely head to the library soon to take a look at those ancient scriptures.

Jonah burst out laughing, his broad shoulders shaking violently with his laughter. “You should have seen your own expression! It was priceless.” He told me in between his laughter. I let out a sigh of relief when I realised that he was just making fun of me. I was certainly relieved that I still have my facts right.

“I thought it is also the season for festivities in Yuri now? Then what are you doing in a foreign city when you should be celebrating there?” I asked him, curiosity getting the best of me.

 “Thought I’d come by here, for a change.” He shrugged his shoulders as he said this. “That’s a pretty pair of gauntlets you have there.” He commented, as he eyed my weapon with genuine interest and admiration.

“My father made this.” I proudly said. “It’s more than meets the eye, actually.”

“Impressive. I should get something done from your father. Though I wasn’t exactly sure what you meant by what you said after that…” He trailed off, and he was in deep thought, thinking of what I had said.

Before I could answer him or show him what my ‘gauntlets’ could do, Jonah snapped his head to the side, alarm showing on his face. “I’m sorry, but I need to go somewhere for a short while. Will you still be here when I get back?” He asked me hopeful.

“I’m afraid not, I still have to look for my lost parents. I know they’re somewhere in the city…” I replied him; I tried to hide the disappointment I was feeling by the fact that he has to leave. And I really should start looking for Helga and Vasilio, and continue our escape. It’s back to reality, without a smouldering hot Jonah.

Jonah nodded his head sombrely, brushed the back of his hand on my cheek, and whispered, “Do not fret, for I will see you soon.”

With that, he made his quick departure, leaving me alone to wonder what those last words of his entailed, or if it meant anything at all.

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