Chapter 11: The Daydream

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Chapter 11 – The Daydream

I opened my eyes. I had broken out in cold sweat. For the dream attacked me again. The alchemist woman who was mourning for a reason I could not piece together.

But this time, it came to me in a form that was definitely not a dream for I had not fallen asleep. Sleeping was impossible to do on this ship while it swayed back and forth. My seasickness had eased, thanks to the tea.

As it did before, it stirred a great deal of emotions in me. My heart suddenly felt heavy.

I was dazing in my room, thinking of how much my life sucked. And that was when those events attacked my unstable mind again. Neither was it an illusion.

She was an alchemist, and alchemists were supposed to be long gone now. They were seen as a threat by the government. Those that refused to abandon their ways had been lined up for execution in the country.

It meant that if they want to perform a spell, they had to do it in a completely clandestine place to avoid detection. Seeing an alchemist perform a spell was a new experience all over again.

I knew I wasn’t making any sense. I decided to mark that dream that came to me while I was awake as a daydream, an imaginary thought while awake, because that’s the most sensible explanation. And it kind of reassures me that I haven’t gone nuts.

Once again, I felt her to be familiar. Nothing ever made any more sense at this point.

Daylight was breaking through the window, and looking out the window as I sat on this extremely comfortable bed, for an inexplicable reason reminded me of the prince. Griffins, garudas and rocs could be seen gliding swiftly in the sky. And the humans aboard those birds would probably think that seeing a ship in the sea was nothing but a figment of their imagination.

The ship came to an abrupt halt. The inertia produced from the sudden stop pushed me backwards and I found myself rubbing my head to soothe the pain, as my head had collided with the metal headboard of the bed.

A long string of profanities escaped my lips when I saw that my head was bleeding, Qinto suddenly barged in the room without warning and couldn’t stop himself from bursting into fits of laughter when he saw that my head was injured. He probably labelled me somewhere in his mind as a complete klutz, I thought to myself bitterly.

Under different circumstances, I think that Qinto and I would have been good friends. He doesn’t look like the type to molest young girls, or drug woman just to get laid. And most of all, though he gets on my nerves most of the time, he was still polite to me although it would be more appropriate if I was battered senseless. And I know that he hasn’t told a single soul about my gold taels yet.

“Get ready. We’re disembarking right now.” Qinto informed me while he threw me my bag.

“We’re at Yuri now?” I asked him, and I could feel the sound of my violent heart beat ringing through my ears.

“No. We’re in the city of Ehea.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2012 ⏰

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