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He asked: "Do you regret me? Do you regret us after all of this?"

"Of course not, baby boy."

"But what if time could be reversed and we could go back, would you still choose me then?"

Without a doubt, "yes" was her reply.

And he immediately raised his hand and flicked his finger towards her forehead.

"Hey! Ouch! What did you do that for?!"

While he rubbed her face with a weary look in his eyes:
"You're such an idiot my darling. After all the things I've done, all the hurt you've felt, why would you ever choose to go through all that again?"

"Because I love you of course. You gave me tons of happiness and so many memories. Memories that I would not want to trade for anything. And you, my love, i would never want to let anyone replace you."

"idiot, ily. 💕"

"Maybe we could make new memories in the future."
"Yeah, maybe."

and "maybe" is enough for her.

The Love That HurtWhere stories live. Discover now