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She had a dream again last night.
This time it was three of them together.
She herself, him, and "her".

She wrote something about "her", saying that "she" was such a bad friend.
"She" saw it and apologized while crying.

He then wrote something about friends, how "she's" not really a bad friend, protecting "her", of course.
He wrote on what bad friends were like: backstabbing and all those things we're used to seeing.

The dream ended when she woke up.
But it didn't just end like that.

She saw what he wrote and cried her heart out while saying: but "she" took you away from me.

the pain she felt in her chest while crying in the dream, made her wake because she couldn't withstand that feeling she had already gone through in real life, over and over again.

The Love That HurtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ