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You know that one kid, the kid everyone hates, because they are to, weak, "ugly" "fat" or so on? The one that isn't really much of any of those? That is me. Everyone in my original village hates me.we are gorgons, some of us can decide when we have a snake tail, but I cant. I fit one of those descriptions, though: weak. Because I'm a little weak I get bullied. It they knew I had wings they wouldnt. You see I'm not just a snake. I'm a dragon. One day I was standing on the edge of the mountain, basking in the sun when I heard a much hated voice. It was a girl in the village who was really mean. She was the person who does nothing and in a group project and takes all the credit anyway. I dont know why she is so popular. I heard her talking about me, like always, spreading rumors about me. Shortly after I heard her voice, something collided with my back. I was suspended in air for a millisecond, then I was falling down the mountain. The last thing I saw before I hit the ground was the girl smiling so wide I thought her fangs would fall out. Then I hit the ground, and my breath went out of me. After that I couldn't see through the clouds. I looked around and saw a flying bus. Then i felt the strength drain out of me. The last thing I saw before passing out, was a girl with fire colored hair, angel wings, and a whole lot of fluffy fox tails.

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